Everybody wants to make money.
That’s not the problem, you know.
The real issue with making money is that… everybody wants to make it FAST… very fast.
*Warning:* please, I want to beg you. What I will share with you here in the article will be like bitter leaves for your body. Though it’s very good for your health, it will be bitter in your mouth.
Quick money is a myth… a lie.
The only way to make money quickly is to go against the law and morality (I.e. becoming a thief or a scammer or a drug dealer). If you hate being any of the above, you may not have any manna from heaven, without work.
Because we are living in a world where most people are exposed to excessive movies and television shows, most of us have been unconsciously brainwashed to think that we can make money quickly.
Since most movies will show us how a lady gets lucky by marrying a politician or business man’s son or how a guy starts a business and becomes rich instantly, many of us have programmed our minds in the expectation of quick wealth.
Also in the real world, it’s common to hear the story of how someone became wealthy “by luck”… even when it was never luck.
I have some experiences about this so let me share one or two with you.
Few years ago I was on a business visit to the campus of the famous Obafemi Awolowo University (one of the leading universities in Nigeria).
I was in that campus and sat near some very brilliant students. One of them was studying Law, the other Pharmacy and others, some wonderful courses.
These near-25 year old students were very brilliant in the academic side of the world, but they were dumb in the understanding of how financial success is achieved.
They were talking about Dangote (now the richest man in Africa) and they were reproducing the lies they have heard from some ill-informed bloggers and news men.
They were saying, “He got his money by luck” “he got his money through political frauds”, etc.
While I don’t have any special affection for Dangote and I’m not saying he wasn’t lucky or got some political influence, I am here to tell you that beyond all those things, there are prices anyone must pay to attain wealth.
One big problem about creating wealth is that, the price is always in the secret.
By this I mean, when people are struggling to make money, working 16 hours a day, making business mistakes, failing and crawling, the public eye is never on them.
Not even my family members know 5% of what I have gone through in the business world, training, reading, trying and failing.
But if tomorrow they find my name among the richest Africans, they will be amazed. “How did he get #100 billion?”, “didn’t we know him and how he started?”, “he must have gotten some luck somewhere”.
That’s what happens.
It took Michael Dell years of trying and failing in assembling a computer. In those years, even his parents were not in support of his vision, so how do you expect him to tell them his headaches?
Then, when he eventually got a breakthrough, the news had a bold headline that read, “Dell makes $1 million in a single month”.
Why am I telling you all this?
First, because I want to make it very clear to you that, true riches are never quick riches.
Every great success (including money acquisition) takes time, hard work and pains.
The second thing I wish to let you know is that, every of today`s wealthy people have passed through hell (failures, mistakes, rejection etc.) before they eventually became rich… though the public may not be aware of their secret pains.
Mike Adenuga was a taxi driver and a security guard. Nobody knew about him then. Now when he has become one of the richest men in Africa, some people will (out of their ignorance) assume that he made his money fast.
Is there a way to make money very fast? Can you actually become rich quickly?
You can become rich faster than others.
This is because there are many ways to money acquisition. Some ways are faster than others. With some ways, you can travel with a motorcycle, while some ways will only be as fast as riding a bicycle.
The usual way we were trained to follow is the way of a good job. The problem with this way is that, it’s too slow.
How many millionaire do you know who are employees?
How many people on the list of the richest men in Africa are employees?
Why are 99.9% of employees not rich?
Because it’s too slow to make enough money as an employee.
Let’s consider the other side of the game… having your own business. While being a successful business owner could be intimidating, it is also rewarding.
You may ask me. “Which business can I do to make money fast?”
The problem with that question is that, no business gives you money fast. Some people, especially online scammers, may promise you that if you can give them a certain amount of money, they will teach you how to make money (especially online) very fast.
With my experience in this game of business and money, I am yet to see anyone who makes money fast… except what you mean by fast is, after stress, pains, mistakes and failures.
Please don’t be intimidated.
You can become rich… I believe you can become rich. But I don’t want to deceive you that you can become rich by doing nothing or just next week.
Instead, I will like to show you how to truly get rich. Think of how you can make life better for others and commercialize your offering.
Nobody ever becomes rich in life by searching for money… except in an illegal way of course. To make legitimate money, your starting point is to identify how you can make the world a better place with a unique or better product/service.
Are there some products you can produce better than people who are producing them now? Are there some services you could render now better than people who are rendering them now?
Then, money is nearer to you than you might think.
It is the business idea that brings money, that’s why Robert Kiyosaki said, “Money is in idea”.
The short cut to making quick money is not in searching for some odd, illegal ways to be rich (that’s not the true wealth). The true way to wealth is to discover business opportunities and ideas and take advantage of them before others could.
One more thing I have to tell you before I drop my pen (am I actually using a pen?) is that, making money is more a game of knowledge than most people know.
When we want our children to become lawyers, we will send them to schools for 20 years or more. When we want our children to become accountants or medical doctors, we will send them to schools for many years.
However, when we want to become a business men and women, we simply think of selling anything and making money.
Don’t you see how we are wrong here?
But why is this so?
Because many people in our today’s world see school as a god and since this god is always worshipped, everybody does whatever she teaches… and whatever she doesn’t teach, nobody dares to learn.
Since school doesn’t teach us how to be successful in business or how to be rich, most people simply think there is no need to learn anything about making money.
You are wrong!
To be rich quickly, you have to be a student of wealth creation.
Brain Sher said, “The shortest cut to riches is financial education”. In other worlds, to be rich fast, acquire financial education.
No matter what you think is stopping you from making money now, knowledge will liberate you.
For inquiries,
Contact us on Whatsapp or Call;
Justine Nyachieo
Business Man & Mentor
Timothy Angwenyi
Business Consultant
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