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Saturday, March 26, 2022

What Should You Do if a Woman Turns Down Your Marriage Proposal- Life Coach Benjamin Zulu

They asked me to comment on a recent clip where a guy proposed at the CBD and the girl turned him down in front of a multitude. It was such a difficult scene to watch and one could feel a knot in the stomach to see such a raw pain and sheer agony on the young man. He had come fully prepared with a guitar and a group of friends and you can see it wasn’t likely to be a prank because the friends were calling the girl by her name urging her to accep. I heard the guy lament as a friend hugged him in consolation that he would trend, for the bad reasons of course.

Such situations are unnecessary and embarrassing.

To avoid getting caught up in such a situation as a brother, observe timing in presenting the proposal. The ring is supposed to be a surprise but not a shock. Surprise means she knows the proposal is around the corner but she doesn’t know the exact moment and place it would come. A shock, on the other hand, means she doesn’t expect a proposal from you. Either the relationship hasnt gotten there yet or there are serious unresolved issues between you.

You should have discussed about moving your relationship to the next level and she should be in agreement.

Never use proposal as an apology or as a way to make amends after you hurt her. She won’t be in the right frame of mind to take it.

Never propose to college girls or girls under 25. They may have dated you out of emotions but they are not capable of thinking about long term commitments like marriage. If you observe their behaviour keenly you’ll also see instability, emotional fluctuations and overall immaturity. To propose to such a girl publicly is self ruin.

Lastly, the lady made a courageous decision to avoid getting trapped into something she’s unprepared for and those friends who were urging her to accept just so they could catch the moment should think twice next time. These decisions are personal and nobody should tell you to accept first then rescind the decision in private. Once you’re seen being proposed to publicly people write you off from the market and that’s too great a price to pay.

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