County Assembly of Busia has approved the report on the Busia County Budget Estimates for Financial Year 2022/2023 and Medium Term Expenditure.
The overall revenue estimates for Busia County Government is Ksh.8.1b. This is composed of Ksh7.12b as equitable share of revenue raised by the national government, Ksh.477m conditional grants and 469m as locally raised revenue.
The report which was tabled by Budget and Appropriation Committee Chairman, Julius Etyang’ and seconded by Hon Grace Olita (Angurai South Ward) saw four members including, Minority Leader, Felix Omanyi, Deputy Speaker, Lawrence Okaale, Patrick Obuya (Marachi Central) and Nancy Okademi (nominated) who made their contributions give it a nod.
The major local revenue streams as submitted in the budget estimates are: funds from health insurance, single business permits, hospital users fees, transit produce cess, bus parking fees, market fees and land rates.
The budget that was prepared on the programme based budgeting has given priority to ongoing projects with preference being given to the projects that have been identified by the communitues as of high priority through participatory processes.
Health and Sanitation is leading with an allocation of Ksh.2.3billion. This includes Ksh.1.86b for recurrent expenditure and 456m capital expenditure.
The department has priortized completion of ongoing projects including Alupe Mother and Child Hospital, Amukura Level 4 Hospital, construction, equipping and installation of sub county and referral health facilities and procurement of blood transfusion equipment and supplies.
Infrastructure and Energy has an allocation of kshs 706m for capital expenditure. It has the highest allocation on mainstream development expenditure which is 20.8 percent of the total county development expenditure estimates.
The major development expenditure items in the department include: Ksh.228m for upgrading of roads to bitumen standards, Ksh.117m for construction of major drainage(bridges and box culverts), Ksh.100m for fuel levey funded roads and Ksh.78m for routine maintenance of county roads.
The department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries has been allocated Ksh.702m which includes Ksh.266m as recurrent expenditures and Ksh. 435.8m for capital expenditures.
The major development projects to be undertaken in this department include Ksh.145m for the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Programme (conditional grant).
The department of Water Irrigation, Environment and Natural Resources has put emphasis on drilling, installation, pipeline extension, repairs and maintenance of the water works, purchase of drilling materials, rehabilitation of irrigation schemes, planting of bamboo along riverine areas and financing Locally-Led Climate Action Program (FFLOCA)
Education and Vocational Training has an allocation of Ksh.623m. The major development projects to be executed include construction and completion of ECDE classrooms at Ksh.45m and a conditional grant of Ksh.51m for subsidized VTCs support.
Disaster Risk Management has also been given priority with and allocation of Ksh.68m for purchase of third fire engine and rescue truck to be stationed at Samia and Bunyala Sub Counties.
A further Ksh.15m will go towards development and equipping of County disaster headquarters and Ksh.12m for purchase of lightning arrestors to be installed at key government buildings.
Hon Asiba blamed drugs scarcity in hospitals to Kenya Medical Supplies Agency which is given sole authority to supply drugs to counties, noting that they lack capacity which results in counties experiencing acute shortage of the drugs.
Hon Etyang’ said Ksh.2.5 billion has been set aside for development which is equivalent to 30 percent of the total budget allocation, urging the implenting agency to ensure all projects are implemented and in time.
Photo: Hon Felix Omanyi contributing to the debate.
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