Maybe you must have found yourself in a situation where you urgently needed money in the form of a loan.
At that moment, you could not go to your bank because maybe you have an existing loan, had defaulted on a loan, and on an extreme case, had been listed on CRB.
Having been listed on CRB meant that you could also not contact any other financial institution, leave alone your bank, for any loan.
Mobile lenders and Apps could also not assist because you are still listed on CRB.
That is a situation most Kenyans find themselves in when they need loans.
Interestingly, the only way you can overcome this financial need is to have someone willing to lend you money without considering your credit history.
Because let’s face it, if no financial institution is willing to lend you money in Kenya, who can?
Of course a shylock!
You will however need collateral like maybe your TV, fridge, or microwave… anything that has monetary value to get these loans.
This is what is called Private Lending Business.
This business has thrived in Kenya that it is now among the most profitable businesses in Kenya.
If you have a large sum of money lying in your bank as deposits, you can start a Private Lending Business and gain interest from it.
*How to Start a Private Lending Business in Kenya (Location).*
The most pressing financial needs which may require the intervention of Private Lenders are not back at the rural areas but in urban areas. Your Private Lending Business will thrive better in the city or an urban setting than the rural areas.
*Private Lending Business (Requirements).*
Here comes things that are mandatory for success in the Private Lending Business:-
*Identify the need for private lending*
Don’t just go ahead lending money to people who might as well not have needed your intervention. This is business and you need to first identify an exploitable gap. People will always have financial needs anyway.
*Register your Business*
You will need to register your micro-lending company with the appropriate agency. You will also need to obtain all the necessary licenses and permits. And most importantly, you must fulfil legal obligations required by your county government to avoid falling into problems.
*Draft contract forms*
Signed contracts are very recognizable by the law. You only need the person you are lending money to sign a contract form and you can sue them in a court of law incase of anything (which rarely happens if you have collateral) and you will still be safe, not unless it is found out that you forged a document for fraud.
Do not forge signatures – let your clients sign the contract forms themselves. Contract forms are the only thing that makes the agreement between you and the borrower binding and legal.
*Determine interest rates and the maximum amount you can lend*
You need to determine how much you will charge on your borrowed money in terms of what duration. Most people doing private lending offer loans at 10% to 15% daily.
Depending on your unique circumstances and the market conditions also, determine the rate at which you will charge interest. You also need to determine how much your limit is, depending on how much you have to offer.
*Determine valid collaterals*
Any client you lend money is a potential defaulter, no matter how much you trust them. You will need collateral when they borrow money, which you will retain or sell if they default, or return to them after they pay back the loan and interest.
You need to determine which collaterals you will take, which may as well be in line with your existing business like electronics if you are running an electronics shop. The collateral you take must be of much more worth than the amount the client is seeking to borrow, to ensure you are protected in case they default.
*Market your private lending business*
You had already identified a market gap and known that most people would need your private lending services. By word of mouth, social media, or any other local means, spread the word that you are offering such services. Let potential clients know that they can come to you when they need the service.
Let clients know that they will need collateral of much more worth than the amount they are seeking.
Ensure clients sign the contract forms themselves.
Ensure clients understand the terms of your service.
Test all collaterals to ensure they are in good working condition and not faulty before handing in the cash to the client.
Let all clients prove ownership of the item they bring as collateral (can provide receipts) to avoid the possibility of having been stolen.
As you start, remain local to avoid much drama.
*How much capital do you need to start a private lending business in Kenya?*
If you have about Ksh.250,000 to Ksh.500,000 or more lying in your bank deposit accounts, you have enough to venture into private lending.
*How profitable is a private lending business in Kenya?*
If you lend out your Ksh.250,000 to Ksh.500,000, that is in small quantities to various people for 30 days with 15% daily interest, then at the end of the month you expect Ksh.1,125,000 to Ksh.2,250,000. Your money grew by a whole 450%.
Even if you don’t lend out the whole amount, whatever amount you lend will grow by 450% at the end of the month. Where else do you earn 450% on your money, if not in private lending?
If you feel the interest rate is high, you can lower it and still make money.
*Final Word.*
Private lending is one of the most lucrative ventures in Kenya today.
If you do it right, you will smile all the way to the bank. If you got extra money to spare, join the club, pay the price, and make your millions..
Also don`t forget to join our Government Bonds & Tenders Training.
We have created a WhatsApp group called *GOVERNMENT BONDS & TENDERS TRAINING*
In this group we are going to train and teach you for 20 days on how to make money doing business with the government by Investing in Government Bonds and Government Tenders.
Doing business with the government or making the government your client could mean lots of advantages to your business.
Most crucial is the assurance that your customer will never go bankrupt or even become insolvent.
And while you might want to argue that getting a tender when you are a “small person” who lucks connections is similar to going out on a futile fishing mission on the banks of polluted Nairobi River; there are indeed opportunities available for those who are patient enough and willing to learn from experts.
Tenderpreneurship is one of the fastest ways to make money in Kenya – and if growth is what you are looking for, then this is an area worth exploring and this training will be of great help to you.
Our *GOVERNMENT BONDS & TENDERS TRAINING* starts on Wednesday, 11th May 2022.
We will have teaching, discussions, questions and answers sessions in our training.
We have prepared a program or schedule on how our Training will be conducted.
Our Government Bonds & Tenders Training will take 20 days (Monday to Friday, excluding weekends)
We will be educating/teaching you from to by posting articles, images, videos and PDF documents. And from to the group will be open for discussions, questions and answers.
*NOTE*: The training won’t affect your daily schedules. You can access all the information posted in the training group at your own free time.
Also our training will be on weekdays only, Monday to Friday, excluding weekends so that those who will be busy during the weekdays can catch up with our training over the weekend.
Below is a schedule of what will be learnt on each day of our training.
DAY 1: Introduction to Bonds.
DAY 2: Why invest in Bonds (How Profitable & Risky are they?)
DAY 3: The Bond Market (How bonds are issued and traded)
DAY 4: Types of Bonds (Which bonds are right for you)
DAY 5: M-Akiba (How to invest in bonds using your mobile phone)
DAY 6: Step by Step process of buying Government Bonds.
DAY 7: Investing in International Bonds.
DAY 8: Investing in Bonds Vs Investing in Stocks (Which one is better?)
DAY 9: Introduction to Tenderprenuership.
DAY 10: Are You Fit to Tender? (Fit to Tender Checklist)
DAY 11: How to Qualify Tenders – Bid or No Bid (A topic that gives many tenderprenuers a headache! But we shall guide you)
DAY 12: Responding to Tender Questions (How to answer tender questions and score high marks)
DAY 13: How to Write a Sales Proposals.
DAY 14: Bid Management and the Bid Team (Teamwork really helps improve your chances of winning tenders. Larger businesses/companies will often have bid writing departments.)
DAY 15: Bid writing (Fundamental issue and common problems regarding writing tenders and bid management – actually getting started with the tender response.)
DAY 16: Before Submitting a Tender or PQQ (Giving it the ‘overnight test’).
DAY 17: Steps of Planning Tenders and PQQs.
DAY 18: Tender Presentations.
DAY 19: The Alternative Bid (A very powerful tool in winning tenders but it is often overlooked).
DAY 20: Conclusion of our Training.
To join our *GOVERNMENT BONDS & TENDERS TRAINING* WhatsApp group, it will cost you only Ksh.200.
This Ksh.200 is a small fee to enable you learn for 20 days on how to make money doing business with the government by Investing in Government Bonds and Government Tenders.
You can make your payment of Ksh.200 only by Mpesa to 0701711058 (Timothy Angwenyi) or by Airtel Money to 0754839228 and we will add you to our *GOVERNMENT BONDS & TENDERS TRAINING* WhatsApp group.
Don’t miss this training. It’s a once in a life time opportunity.
Remember, this training will be for 20 days and starts on Wednesday, 11th May 2022.
Make your payment early to avoid last minute inconveniences.
For inquiries,
Contact us on WhatsApp or Call;
Timothy Angwenyi
Business Consultant
Justine Nyachieo
Business Man & Mentor
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