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Sunday, August 28, 2022


Before you conclude on a lazy guy, think twice! Yes, think twice. They seem idle and society has labeled them not passionate.

However, you see a good number of entrepreneurs travel from one vacation to the other, and yet business moves better.

You may tell me it’s because they worked hard at first, maybe but I’ll tell you they didn’t like the hard work so they found a way to make it a temporary one.

Lazy entrepreneurs appear hardworking but the truth is that they actually hate having to work and so shy away from it but they still tend to succeed more.


If you take your time to read through this article, you will understand why lazy people succeed more as entrepreneurs.

What actually does it mean to be lazy?

Laziness doesn’t mean doing nothing, laziness is not the same as inactivity, inactivity means doing nothing while laziness means not doing it yourself.

This means, that if you can get others to do it for you or find leverage to achieve more, then you can be as productive or even more productive as the hard-working guy.

Laziness is measured in productivity, not activity. So a man might put the right people in the right place so that he can do only the things he alone should do. And then another man is the “do it all” type of guy and achieves little or nothing.

Who’s more productive?

The less productive is the laziest. Learn to see laziness in terms of productivity.

Below are the reasons why lazy people succeed more as entrepreneurs.

*1. They’re virtually unemployable*

Nobody wants a lazy guy on the team. In fact, the look of work scares them to the bone. They lack the discipline to work the 9-5 kind of job thus they search for businesses they can do for themselves without being accused of being lazy or sacked from a job.

This becomes the birth of their entrepreneurial spirit in them.

Hardworking guys can measure up to any challenge so they are in high demand in the labor market – they simply get things done.

The lazy guy starts out and goes in search of the hard-working guy too and buys him over to the team because he enjoys his free time though willing to pay the price of the demand of starting up but works faster enough to regain his freedom and enjoys his laziness.

*2. They find easier means of doing a difficult task faster.*

There’s a difficult task to handle, the hard-working guy dives in and gets started, but the lazy man finds a simpler way of doing it.

Why because he’s too lazy to bear the stress.

I want to believe the guy who invented the Tv remote was a lazy guy or rather thinks like a lazy man who just can’t stand up from the cushion to change the station.

Maybe soon we will virtually use voice to control our phones and House appliances. Amazon Alexa, Google assistance and apple Siri is making it possible.

I read one of Bill gates’ quote

“If you want to get a task done faster, give it to a lazy man, he’ll find an easier and faster means of doing it”.

That’s actually true, lazy guys cause disruptive innovation. Always have one on your team. He will always suggest an easier means to do it. They hate “unnecessary” stress.

*3. They have an eye for talents:*

Lazy guys love freedom, deep down they really wish to be productive but not the normal way everyone thinks.

Tell them what to do, and their head starts thinking of a shortcut. And most of the time they think “Who can I pay to do this?”

So this makes them develop an eye for talents. They easily discover the strength in others and find a way to bring them on board.

The hardworking guy wouldn’t easily see talent when it appears simply because his mantra is if I can do it, why hire someone.

So, they hardly would delegate, they are good at multi-tasking, one of the single reason they overwork themselves while neglecting other important parts of their lives, especially their health and families.

Not everything you can do should be done by you. Empower people and then do only what you alone should do.

*4. They get things done through others.*

One of the most effective means of management is elimination and delegation. Eliminating the unimportant and seemingly important tasks that add no productive value towards achieving the goals of the organization and then delegating tasks to strengths that can get it done.

This is the lifestyle of a lazy entrepreneur. He gets a lot of things done but hardly by himself.

They know how to make an idea work. He’s willing to hire the best of hands to get the best results.

However, the challenge of a lazy entrepreneur is the temptation to delegate even the task he alone should do.

Not all tasks are meant to be delegated. Learning this balance is the success of the lazy entrepreneur.

*5. They build systems*

The lazy guys enjoy vacations, wants free time, and in fact wants the free life of 4HOURS WORK WEEK as described by TIM FERRIS in his book 4 hours work week.

4 hours work week is possible no matter your job description if you learn how to be efficiently lazy. The lazy entrepreneur wants to spend enough time at home. Most times they work from home like Richard Branson yet with indisputable results.

However, the lazy guy knows if he must live that kind of life, he must find a way to make things work without him or in his absence when he embarks on vacation, hobbies e.t.c.

So from the onset, he starts building systems around his business and hires better talents. Most times, they build a company and give way for someone else to become the CEO. One thing the hard-working guy would find hard to do.

This is not to say that you give up control of your company. But, that you started it does not mean you should or will man it forever.

So it’s better you watch others man it right before you than living with fear each time you’re absent, having this feeling that no one else would do it as you do.

This is insecurity.

One day you definitely will give up the control, so do it right and deliberately than letting circumstances of health, death, or things beyond your control push you to do so against your will.

The earlier you build systems around your business, the better and the more time you’ll have for yourself.

*In conclusion*

Laziness, although hated by many, compels us to look for ways to accomplish more in less time and effort. This indirectly drives us to be more efficient.

It’s no wonder one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, Bill Gates says “I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it”.

Written By Justine Nyachieo
Business Man & Mentor

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