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Friday, January 27, 2023

KMPDU Urges National Government to Invest in the Health Sector

Kenya Medical Practitioner and Dentist Union(KMPDU) urged the National Government to invest in health care.
In a media briefing, KMPDU secretary general Davji Atellah said that the National Government needs to put more funds into health care for proper health service delivery.

“ The National Government through the Ministry of Health should change the normalization of budgeting of health care from recurrent expenditures to an aspect of an investment,” said the KMPDU boss.

Atellah asked the Ministry of Health and the Council of Governors to employ more doctors and health specialists in hospitals.

“It’s high time to have level 4 and 5 hospitals act as such by having more doctors and specialists who will see patients in those health facilities” The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General said.

He said more than 5,000 qualified doctors are unemployed in the Country despite the shortage being witnessed.
Atellah further called for improvement of the Kenya National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) to achieve universal health coverage since they only cover some few services.

The KMPDU secretary general has also challenged the members of parliament to help every member of the public in their areas access NHIF.
“ Many families sell out their little pieces of land for them to pay their hospital bills. It makes these families struggle to get bills paid. If NHIF can improve and cover health services exclusively then the cost of these services will drastically reduce and every person will have access to quality health care,” said Atellah.

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