Farmers in Uasin Gishu County have been urged to attend the upcoming Eldoret Agrcutultural Show of Kenya (ASK).
Agriculture and Agribusiness Chief Officer Elijah Koech says preparations for The ASK Show scheduled to start on March 1, 2023, are in the final stages.
He said the Show will provide training opportunities for several new technoligies in climate-smart farming to farmers.
“We want to make our farmers engage in climate-smart farming. This will enable farmers not to depend on rainfall, ” said the CO.
“We also have many things like training farmers on crop types and diversification so that farmers can have a variety of crops to plant,” he added.
Livestock Chief Officer Nickson Cheplong said new livestock breeds will be exhibited.
” We shall also demonstrate how to develop quality pasture “, Cheplong.
He said availability of quality animal feeds has become a challenge for farmers adding that during the event, farmers will also be introduced to a new grass variety that contains up to 18 percent proteins.
The theme for this year’s ASK Show is ‘Promoting Climate Smart Initiatives and Trade for Economic Growth.’
Director for Veterinary service Dr. Philip Biama and Acting Director for Livestock Abraham Kiptanui accompanied the Chief officers