There’s a version of male you should be aware of. It’s a type of man with a highly fragile and undeveloped ego that needs a woman to belittle herself in his presence so that he can feel powerful. This is what he calls submission when in fact it’s just subjugation inspired by deep insecurities.
He doesn’t want to be the man in your life, but the god in your life. You must obey him without question and you must never have better ideas than him. He wants an alter-ego of himself, a female slave at his beck and call.
You’re not in a relationship with him really, but with the undeveloped and unhealed boy within him. The boy who cannot persuade or win a woman, one who must coerce and force his way. The one who throws tantrums when disappointed, one who cannot stand being challenged.
Solution? You begin by healing the parts of yourself that accommodate belittlement and control. Answer the following subconscious questions differently: What kind of person I’m I? What kind of situation is this? How does a person like myself respond to this kind of situation?
The answers must shift from ‘I’m a woman who needs a man; this is a normal relationship; I just have to obey for the sake of peace.’ Now they will sound something like ‘I am a self-respecting woman; this is a healthy person projecting their conflicts at me; a person like me walks away from this kind of situation.’
You always need to change who you are before you can change what you do.
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