Sisters close your eyes, let me talk to my beloved brothers
Love and romance is not a respecter of persons, religion or spiritual inclinations. The language of love is universal and would not spare you if you turn a blind eye to it.
I get it that sometimes our desire and passion to please God and stay chaste can become so strong that every show of care and affection to the opposite sex becomes carnality and tantamount to landing you into sin and ultimately hell fire but brother be calming down.
You are still in the world and even though you are not of this world, you need to understand and obey certain laws in order to live a fruitful and beautiful life.
You can be nice to a lady without unnecessarily attaching ulterior motives to it. Holiness is not the same thing as meanness. I know what I am telling you because I was there, frigid, inaccessible, insensitive, wearing a serious look most times and all. If my husband was wearing the serious long face , maybe I would have turned down the proposal.
The annoying part is that some brothers don’t drop this attitude at the altar on wedding day but carry it into their matrimonial homes and when you hear his wife call him “Daddy” or “My lord”, you think she is being romantic while in actual sense she is really seeing him as a Daddy and lord as in real lord. (Lol). Some brothers get to the extent of calling their wife “Sister”. Have you seen some that can’t walk with their wife on the street, talk more of asking him to hold her hand in public.
You see him use scripture to convert every opportunity to be romantic or at least nice to worldliness and unrighteousness. Birthday celebrations are demonized with the convenient excuse that John the Baptist was beheaded on Herod’s birthday and while you are trying to recover from this shock, you will be asked when last you celebrated the day you gave your life to Christ. Bros, like seriously?