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Sunday, April 30, 2023

Never Make Pledges to Give Money to Church

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the pledge you made to give a certain amount of money to church and now you just can’t seem to honour that pledge?

Well, simply change your mind and you will be free. God isn’t as mean and insensitive as your spiritual leader. It’s not all about money but faith towards God and love for humanity.

We’re not living in old testament days of the law. We’re in the dispensation of love. Now get off that guilt and live your life in freedom. Desist from making promises you can’t keep and don’t react based on emotion when it comes to financial matters.

Finally, don’t give to get a job. Apply for one and pass interviews. Don’t give to get a spouse. Make friends and enter into courtship if you want marriage. Don’t give for healing. You were healed on the cross many years ago. Don’t give for the man of God’s car. Let him walk with the Lord.

Give because of love and because you’re happy, willing and able to do so, and while at it, enjoy your money too. It’s actually a holy thing to be happy.

2Co 9:7 ISV Each of you must give what you have decided in your heart, not with regret or under compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver.

By Apostle Joseph Hellon

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