By Kipkemoi Araap Korir – Mombilen
The supreme Kalenjin deity is Asis, the sun, who dwells in the sky; he created man and beast, and the world belongs to him. The word Asista is the secondary form ( indefinite or primary form plus definite article suffix) of the primary Asis.
A distinction is often made between Asis, meaning ” God,” and Asista, meaning” the sun,”, e.g. ‘parin’ Asis (may God kill thee); ‘Amin’ Asista (mayest thou die of sunstroke).
The word Asis may mean” light” it is used also with the meaning of ” day.” It is curious to note that the Kimukony (Pokot) regard Asis as the younger brother of the creator Tororut (the sky) (also called Tororot).
The Tugen say that Asis (the sun) is the wife of Tororut (the sky). We may note in passing that in Masai the sun (eng-oloiig) is regarded as the husband of Ol-apa (the moon), and that, grammatically, eng-Oloiigis feminine and Ol-apa masculine.
An alternative word for” God,” used by the Kalenjin, is Cheptalil, meaning” the sun because he has one round eye.”
Etymologically it seems to mean ” the thing that always (still) gleams or shines.” The diminutive prefix “Chep- “marks it as being a kind of nickname.
Most prayers were done to Asis, for example, when warriors have gone to war, the mothers every morning at sunrise would face the rising sun, spit and say;
Asis ! Ukwech Lakok !
God tie knots around and protect these warriors.
Similarly when drinking beer, before a sip is taken, a little is sprinkled on the ground with the words:
Oiik chook kakisaak,
Irocho Maiyo,
Okonech Sapon!
Meaning, our ancestors partake this beer and give us life.
If raids were unsuccessful, prayers were also made to asis saying;
Asis ! Kakile Oiyo !
If a raid has been successful a prayer of thanks was given thus:
Asis ! Konech Sapon
Asis ! Konech Koiyo
Asis ! Konech berur
nepo Piich ak Tich.
Meaning, God give us healt
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