For Women
Thou shall have no other husband except one.
Thou shall speak no evil of your husband even behind him.
Remember the labour of your husband when the children are rich do not turn them against him.
Thou shall not compare your husband with another man.
Six days thou shall labour create Sabbath day for him. Give him space
Thou shall not disrespect thy husband in private or public, so that people don’t know how stupid and mannerless you are.
Forgive your husband four hundred and Ninety times in a day. .
Thou shall not deny thy husband happy of yourself (sexual enjoyment.)
Honour your parents in-laws so as to find favour with their son.
Thou shall not say to your husband “beat me and see ” lest you have scar for life.
Ten Commandments For Married Men
Thou shalt have no other wife except one.
Thou shall speak no evil of thy wife even behind her.
Remember the labour of thy wife when you are rich let her enjoy it.
Thou shall not compare your wife with another woman.
Six days thou shall labour, create a Sabbath day for thy wife.
Thou shall not insult your wife in private or public so that people don’t know how foolish you are.
Forgive your wife Seventy times seven in a day.
Thou shall make your wife happy at all times always ask her, are you OK?
Honour your father and thy mother-in-law so that their daughter will not return to them.
Thou shall not say to thy wife, pack out of my house, lest she goes away with the children.
May the Lord give you more understanding..