Self-confidence means your reputation with yourself. It comes from keeping the promises you keep to yourself. From something as small as waking up at the time you planned to putting aside the money you committed to and sticking with your budget or maintaining certain standards of work or relationships.
Sometimes, your self-esteem is low because you don’t respect yourself. When other people ask you to perform certain tasks, you do them, but when you require yourself to do the same, you disobey yourself. How can you esteem someone highly when you don’t listen to anything they say?
If you don’t start taking yourself more seriously, the world will catch on and start treating you in a similar way.
Character means saying what you said you would do after the motivation has left. You should start with keeping small promises to yourself and see how it boosts your self-confidence. Decide to dress yourself better this week and do it. Promise yourself to set aside some money for two months in a row, and see how doing it makes you feel.
It is this same habit that will graduate to upgrading your lifestyle and building happy relationships because you promised yourself to do it.
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