Who Should You Marry?

Have you ever for once asked yourself this question???
When you’re ready to settle down that’s when you will know that not everybody is marriageable.

Have you ever wondered why some people succeed in marriage and some don’t succeed? Wrong choice of partner.

Choosing a life partner is the hardest thing and has to be careful if not, the devil will package one of his COUSINS to you and it will torment you.

Who Should You Marry?

Marry Someone Who Will Love You Here, Now, Today, As You Are.
The person you marry should never make you feel inferior, unaccepted, or not “good enough”. Yes, they should encourage you to improve yourself, but they should do that by building you up (not tearing you down). If they can’t love you–all of you! even the weird, awkward, and flawed parts–then, they don’t deserve you.

Marry Someone That Will Remain Faithful To You.
The person you marry needs to be faithful to you and only you. If you’re courting someone and the person is like MTN… Everywhere you go, cut off such a fellow if not you will suffer in Marriage.

Marry Someone Who Will Help You Grow As A Person.
The person you marry should help you evolve into a better version of yourself. That doesn’t mean they should belittle you with insults or tell that you’re not “good enough” , because positive transformation cannot happen without total acceptance of who you are; but your partner should challenge you to step up your game in every aspect of your life.

Marry Who Trust You, And You Trust Them.
The person you marry shouldn’t be snooping your phone, private messages, or browsing history. If they are concerned about a specific issue, they should confront you about it without mincing words or sneaking behind your back.

Marry Who Make Time A Priority
The person you marry needs to make time for you, because even the best Relationship cannot survive without proper care and attention.

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