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Saturday, August 5, 2023

Why It Is Important To Seek Advice When You Plan To Do Something In Life

Proverbs 20:18
*Kila kusudi huthibitika kwa kushauriana*;Na kwa shauri la akili fanya vita.
_*Every purpose is established by counsel*: and with good advice make war_.

Seek Advise(SA)
In *life no one has the monopoly of knowledge of everything*. We need *each other in order to succeed*. If *you are just starting a business*, you *need advice from those who have been in it*. If you *plan to marry you need advice from those who are successful in their marriage*. Godly *parental advice should never be ignored*.

However, we *must be right and have right motives in order to seek for advice* from right sources. *God fearing people are reliable*. Remember we discovered in this book that *the fear of the LORD is the premise of wisdom*. Anyone who does not regard the sovereignty of God in their lives is not the right person to consult.

There Is No Peace without War
The next part says that if you plan to wage war, consult as well. Someone said, if I am given to *choose between peace and war,* I would *choose war* for the sake of peace. Meaning, the only logical goal of pursuing anything should be to establish peace.

Many wars which were fought in many African countries were meant to liberate Africans from the bondage of colonialism. The reason why brothers and sisters should argue is with the intention to live together better and happier without selfish motives.

In the like manner, *the ultimate goal for Christian soldiers to engage in battle is when the goal is to have the captives of sin be released*. However, even with the good intentions, *you need advice from others so that your intended goal can be successfully be reached*. Fight against what is fighting God’s will. Ask God to guide you.

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