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Saturday, September 30, 2023

7 Harsh Realities of Life Are Bitter Truth Staring in Your Face

One harsh reality of life is that long introductions to an article like this one can be boring at times, so it’s important we take you straight to the point.

These are the 7 harsh realities of life. They come with losses, lessons and triumphs. They come after doubts and exploring the unknowns. So brace yourself…

Not everyone who criticizes you is a hater*

Can you recall the story of the naked emperor who was reminded of his nudity by a young boy while adult villages were falsely applauding his “sense of fashion”?

Well the story goes like this… A long long time ago, a famous King went to the tailor to get some new clothes. And the tailor, not a genuine friend of the King, convinced him that he made anwonderful “invisible” suits and that the King would look wonderful in them.

So the King walked out of the designer store wearing the “invisible suit” and marched to the town-square to meet the townspeople.

The townspeople noticed he was naked but because they feared to disappoint him they opted to cheer him on telling him “You look wonderful our beloved king”.

But there was a young orphaned boy in the crowd who felt that the King had been being misled and so he decided to take the risk of telling him truth.

So the boy called out “But the King has no clothes!” And then suddenly everyone came to their senses and the King realized that all those around him were sycophants except for this bold young boy.

Long story short, the boy was adopted by the King and he later inherited power. The tailor was immediately handcuffed and taken to the village guillotine and buried that same day.

The story teaches us that sometimes it takes that one person with guts to speak the truth and bring you back to your senses.

So don’t treat everyone who criticizes as a hater. May be he is the only one with the guts to tell you that you are walking around naked.

*2. Most of your current friends are FAKE FRIENDS*

The truth is that most of your buddies hangout with you because they see some value that they can inherit from you. They are parasites disguised as friends and they will leave you the moment your influence diminishes.

In a recent newspaper article, former ICT Permanent Secretary Mr. Bitange Ndemo narrated how his friends started avoiding him after he stopped working for the government.

Likewise, a onetime top journalist in Kenya media-space who became paralyzed following a car accident recently talked about how his former colleagues ignore his calls thinking that he is calling to ask them for help!

So let’s face it. 90% of your current friends are like the mythical hyenas that follow you hoping your hand will fall off so that they can feast. Wake up and smell the coffee.

*3. There is no unconditional love in this world except your mother’s love*

Consider any situation, such as you got less marks in an exam. Your father will not talk to you. Your siblings might get disappointed in you.

Or even consider a situation when you die young. Your wife will leave you and get married to another man and your hubby will get himself a more beautiful replacement of you. But a mother’s love never fades. She will take care of you even when you are deep down inside your grave.

So keep all those people who matter close but your mum even closer.

*4. The older you get, the sicker you get*

Your body is just like a car. The moment the odometer reads 150,000 Kilometers you know it’s time for frequent visits to a mechanic. By the time the reading becomes 300,000 Kilometers you know it’s time to either sell the car or ground it.

That’s the same thing with life. By the time middle age rolls around, the worries of life gradually take a toll on you and your body parts increasingly become prone to pains, breaks, aches and sometimes complete failure.

To keep going, you have to slow down and take better care of yourself.

So if you are in your 20s, know it is the time to charge forward with the highest speed possible. Invest and diversity your portfolio while the sun shines.

As you grow older and older you will realize that you will start to spend more time with your doctor than with your business accomplices. At that time it will be difficult to do some of the things you do with ease today.

So take advantage of the moment and live life to the fullest.

*5. Life becomes more user-friendly when you become more aware of what it means to be alive*

Not all realities of life are harsh. Life is actually awesome on so many levels. It takes you up, it takes you down and everywhere in between.

Can you remember a long time ago how we used to worry about the giants of the forest and that they would come to devour us in the middle of the night?

We were young, stupid and clueless and that’s why we believed that giants actually existed.

But as we matured, we came to realize that it was actually a HOAX and that the so called giants have never shown up on the surface of the earth.

Remember you are still maturing. Some of the things you worry so much about in your 20s or 30s will actually seem irrelevant 20 years down the line.

So discover your purpose, work towards it and forget about the GIANTS in your life for they are actually IMAGINARY.

*6. Your salary will never be enough*

Lift your two hands and sing “I surrender” if you are underpaid. No, just stop it. The reality of life is that even your CEO thinks he can do better with a few more zeroes on his salary.

My friend Karanja thinks his life would be better if his salary was paid twice a month (at date 1 and date 15 of every month) so he does not run broke midway.

Unfortunately, irrespective of the way you look at it, a fixed monthly salary will never be enough. This is especially so if you spend more on sustaining high standards instead of saving and investing.

So let’s not waste our time discussing how small your salary is, just accept the reality and move on.

and lastly…

*7. There’s 100% chance you are going to die one day*

Accepting you are going to die anyway is the best way to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose in life. Given this reality, why do you still insist on holding onto that bad job that is taking you nowhere?

Why are you sticking to that abusive relationship? Why play safe, gain nothing and die while you can follow your passion and die with dignity?

You did not come to this world to work, pay your bills and die. The sooner you realize your purpose in life and start working towards it (risking all you have for it), the better.

*Final Word*

It is amazing what a human being can do once he or she begins to believe in himself or herself. If you don’t set a limit on your capabilities, there is really nothing that can stands in your way of greatness.

So learn from this 7 realities of life and make the best out of every moment of your existence.


Timothy Angwenyi
Business Consultant

Justine Nyachieo
Business Man & Mentor

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