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Thursday, September 7, 2023

7 Things to Do in Courtship

Instead of kissing, fondling, romancing or having sex, here are the 7 things to do to have a super successful courtship:

Make certain that you made the best decision and that you truly heard God. You need to do the final assessment before you head to the altar. What some singles call God’s will is a perfect disaster waiting to happen!

Study each other and be sure your personality agrees. Can you cope with a hot tempered woman? Can you live with a man who lacks self control?

Go For Counseling

Your counselor will bring up very important issues that emotions are making you overlook and teach you how to resolve them.

You can’t succeed in something you know nothing about. *”Through Wisdom is a House built; by knowledge it is established (Proverbs 24) Is what the Bible says. Most people who fail in courtship and marriage lack the knowledge to make it work. Read Messages to young People, Letters to young lovers and Adventist Home Marriage”. It will help a lot.

Ask questions. Pour your heart. Reveal your past. Be sincere and honest with each other. Don’t hide basic information about yourself that can give your partner heart attack in marriage. No pretense is allowed in any courtship/marriage that will last. *Open your mouths and hearts (not genitals) to each other*. *Read the Bible and under the principles of God on marriage*. It will help you a lot. Before using any gadget always read the manual. Our Manual is the Bible.

Prepare to be a Husband/Wife
by learning from *successfully married couples* (SMC), read books, listen to tapes and attend marriage seminars. Don’t learn all the sexual styles in the world but lack good manners, communication skills, table manners, home keeping skills, diligence, wisdom, discretion including simple courtesy and etiquette!

Avoid Sin
If you spend all your courtship time caressing, fondling and having sex, you are not born again and you are not mature for marriage. *Marriage is for two born again and God fearing adults who can control their sexual desires while addressing real issues that will greatly impact on marriage*. You have real issues to deal with in courtship, leave sex alone and face them. .

May your courtship be Successful!. *In God We Trust*

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