He Loves God
A good man is first of all a God Man.
Everything he does, how he treats you are motivated by his love for God. He treats you right because he loves and fears God.
He seeks to draw you close to the THRONEROOM of God daily, and not to his BEDROOM.
He is Honest.
He is honest about his feelings for you, he is honest about his intentions, his finances, his career, his life, his family etc.
He is open, sincere, trust worthy, transparent in all his dealings, he doesn’t make a habit of telling lies to you or people.
He Respects You
He doesn’t treat you with contempt or disregard, the way he talks to you, like a FRIEND, not a BOSS.
Like an Equal, not a Surbodinate.
He respects You and your Body.
He Makes Effort
He makes effort to keep any Promises he makes to you,
He makes effort, changes aspects of his lifestyle, his habits, his dressing just to make you happy.
He makes effort to stay in touch with you, no matter how busy his schedule, no matter how busy he is, he’ll make out time to stay in touch, call you, visit you, hang out with you regularly.
He Listens
He asks for your opinions, consults you before he takes decisions, and considers what you say and seeks to implement them.
He takes corrections from you happily and with humility and adjusts accordingly.
He Treats You With Live
He loves you, and you See it in his Eyea, you HEAR it in his Words, and you Feel it from his Actions.
He texts, calls, visits, and plans for the future with you.
He Supports You
He supports you in anything you wish to do, he is your number one fan and cheerleader, he isn’t insecure or intimidated by the greatness in you, he supports your everyday hustle, your dreams and passions, he does this financially, prayerfully and physically.
He’s after You, not just your body.
He wants to marry you, has said so and is willing to wait till marriage for sex.
If you have such a Man, appreciate him, respect him, pray for him, treasure him, and don’t let him go.
As a daughter of God, believing God for a husband, continually ask God for such a Man in prayers using scriptures, and position yourself accordingly..
If he could give his only begotten son to die for you, is it a good husband he can’t give you?
Believe and Keep on asking till you get it. Don’t get tired, your testimony is close..
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