You will not find your soulmate or true love until you become a soulmate and true love to yourself first. Many people want the fruits before they dig in the roots, and that’s why they’re perennially frustrated.
Until you face your own wounds and negative programming, everything you call love will be just trauma bonds.
But does everyone have wounds or bad programming, you ask? What if you had loving parents and a peaceful home? Congratulations to your parents for pouring love and life into you and sparing you the psychological cancer of childhood trauma. But life constitutes more than home. You went to school and to the world as well, and you got bruised here and there. Or you started projecting your healthy home to other people. You assumed people were fundamentally good, that they fundamentally meant well. Because that’s what you grew up with.
And that’s how you become the nurse and host for narcissists and other twisted users in this world.
Until you face the deficits and excesses in your psychological makeup, you’ll be blindsided and surprised by relationships all the time. Your remission will come from learning to understand and care for yourself first. It’s only that kind of care and insight that you can extend towards another person. Whether that means selecting the person who is safe to invest in or holding space for their feelings once you’re together, the meaning here is that everything starts inwardly.
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