By John Kariuki
There are times in life when everything seems to be perfectly in place. You’ve got the power, the systems, and the support of the masses behind you. You’re sitting on a pile of money, and it feels like there’s no limit to what you can achieve. Your experience spans decades, making it feel as though success has been your birthright. Your network stretches from the grassroots level to the international stage, and every door seems to be opening for you. It looks like you have everything working in your favor, but despite all of that, something just doesn't seem right. No matter how much you try, there’s always something that seems to go wrong.
In those moments, when everything is in place but you still feel like you’re missing something, Madam CEO—one of the most revered voices in the business world—shares a simple yet profound piece of advice: “Check it out with God.”
You see, even when we appear to have it all, there are forces beyond our control. In those moments of uncertainty, it’s important to remember that God is greater than all of the things we often consider the pillars of our success. He is greater than the power and the systems we lean on, greater than the wealth we accumulate, and greater than the networks we work tirelessly to build. In fact, He is greater than all of these combined. No matter how much we have, no matter how strong our influence or resources are, there are times when we need to turn to a higher source.
Madam CEO emphasizes that when things don’t seem to be aligning despite all outward appearances of success, it’s a sign that we need to seek guidance from God. Whether we’re individuals, families, communities, businesspeople, or even an entire nation, when certain patterns begin to emerge, it’s time to step back and check in with God, who holds the answers to every question we may have.
In her wisdom, she reminds us that God is the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end—and that He knows everything. When we find ourselves struggling despite all our hard work and resources, it's a gentle nudge to reach out to the one who sees what we cannot. Whether it’s through personal struggles, business setbacks, or national issues, the answer is always the same: check it out with God.
How do we do that? It’s simple. Pray, pray, and pray. In prayer, we find not only peace but clarity. We receive guidance and direction. It’s in those quiet moments of reflection and surrender that we find the strength to move forward. Through prayer, we connect to a wisdom greater than our own, and we often discover answers we didn’t even know we were seeking.
So, next time you feel like you’re at a crossroads—when everything seems to be in place but things still aren’t working the way they should—remember Madam CEO’s advice. Take a moment to check it out with God. Through prayer, we align ourselves with the ultimate source of wisdom and find the guidance we need to continue our journey with purpose and peace.
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