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Monday, February 17, 2025

Hon. Governor Dr. Biiy Chelilim Extends Support to Fire Disaster Victims in Kapsang


Today, the community of Kapsang gathered to show solidarity with those affected by the devastating fire disaster at the home of  Governor Dr. Jonathan Bii Chelilim. It was a moment of reflection, gratitude, and hope as those impacted by the fire were publicly acknowledged and supported.

During the gathering, the Governor took an important step towards transparency by presenting the bank statement, outlining how the funds collected for the victims were distributed. This move was aimed at ensuring accountability and maintaining trust with the community.

"I want to sincerely thank everyone who contributed, from the generous donors to the local organizations who rallied together in this time of crisis. This is a testament to the power of unity and community spirit," said Dr.Bii.

Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi was also recognized for his invaluable role in the relief efforts. His coordination and leadership in ensuring aid reached the affected families were highly praised by local leaders and the victims themselves.

"The collaboration between all stakeholders, including the county government, local businesses, and the community, has been outstanding," added Dr. Sudi. "We will continue to work together to rebuild and restore lives."

As the victims of the fire begin to recover, the next phase of support is already underway. Mama Mboga and the Bodaboda riders, crucial members of the community, have pledged their support for the victims' long-term recovery. Their involvement emphasizes the collective effort needed to restore normalcy and help those who lost their homes in this tragedy.

"We cannot afford to forget our people in this time of need," said Patrick Kimeli, the Moisbridge Ward MCA. "We will continue to mobilize and support these families as they rebuild their lives. This is just the beginning, and together, we will overcome."

The event highlighted the power of unity in the face of adversity. With continued support from local leaders, community members, and organizations, the people of Kapsang are on the path to healing and recovery.

Moisbridge Ward MCA Patrick Kimeli expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all those involved and promised to keep the momentum of support going as they work towards a full recovery for the affected families.

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