Kenya kwanza affiliate party Ford Kenya on Tuesday evening suffered a blow after a section of officials from Motosiet in Cherang’any Sub County defected to Democratic Action Party ( DAP K)
According to the more than 50 grass root officials, they defected after realizing that the lion party led by the National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula was leading them nowhere.
The officials led by former Motosiet ward representative Bernard Muganda Aliang’ana alias Bi cool said that they had suffered for long by being in the party that lacked any agenda .
"We have seen nothing tangible in the Ford Kenya Party and today I have made a decision in consultation with my other grass root leaders and we have decided to sever our relationship with Ford Kenya’’, said Aliang’ana.
He further stated that they were following in the footsteps of DAP K deputy party Party leader,His Excellency Dr George Natembeya in whom they had seen a star of transformation .
The officials were received by Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya in his foundation office , telling them that the journey of liberation had just begun.
‘’The right to speak openly, the right to ask questions , the right to criticize , the right to protest, are all prerequisites for a free democracy being adhered to by a few legislators among them Kisii Senator Richard Onyonka and a few of his colleagues ‘’, said the governor.
The governor noted that when the opposition voices a concern, it does so not only on behalf of their electorate but also on the basis of their perception of the needs of a society as a whole.
The DAP K Deputy Party leader, the founder of the TAWE Movement stated the following; “ Democracy is an ideology of opposition as much as it is one of the government and that the work of a formidable opposition is to scrutinize government decisions and policies and to represent a credible alternative government. Opposition ensures a transparent and responsible government. Without this, democracy cannot exist.
The Governor who was flanked by Sirende ward representative Alfred Weswa, John Chingi Makhanu, Andrew Kutitila and Bonface Cheloti and Martin Jamanoor , DAP K Chairman Joshua Werunga and Deputy National Secretary General Bernard Wanjala Masanja further said time had come for strengthening of the opposition in order to speak for the majority of the Kenyan opposition.
Challenged to respond to members of parliament who had ditched the opposition for the Kenya Kwanza Coalition the governor said “It was unfortunate that powers that be had killed the spirit of multi-party democracy with defectors moving without consulting the electorate. It is foolhardy that democracy is being put on the cross’’, he said.
DAP K Deputy Secretary General Bernard Masanja condemned the government’s failure to keep promises they make to the citizens of the East African country, particularly concerning the provision of essential services including health care services in the country.
He lamented that a lack of transparency has eroded Kenyans’ trust in the country’s leadership, with integrity and truth often overshadowed by false narratives.
“The culture of lies is swiftly replacing the integrity and respect that Kenyans deserve. Basically, it seems that truth does not exist, and if it does, it is only what the Government says,” the Deputy Secretary General said during the meeting.
Mr. Werunga told National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula to brace for hard times ahead.
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