How Jobless Kenyans are making money online right now. Make Kes 20,000 every day at the comfort of your home



Imagine owning a car and a house just at the age of 25. There are Kenyans out here who are doing exactly that and the good thing is that they are doing it at the comfort of their home while having quality time with their family and am a living testimony for that.

My name is Stephen Katuku and am a young online entrepreneur aged 25 years. I am also a primary school teacher which is my full-time job. During the pandemic, schools were closed for almost 8 months and we suffered a lot going without salaries hence i started looking an online job that i could while staying at home during lockdown.

One day i received an invite from a friend via whatsapp to an online job called Zumo News and my live changed completely. At first i was very skeptical about this online job but after doing enough research on how Zumo News works and reading on social media the way it had changed people’s lives i decided to give it a try. To get started all was required of me was a Laptop, internet connection and an Mpesa line for receiving payment. I paid Kes 1300 which was a one-time registration fee and started working immediately.

I received my first payment of Kes 48,000 after the one week of joining and and within a month i had already made more than Kes 380,000 clean money. At this point i was really excited since i could tell that i had landed on legit online job. Six months down the line i had accumulated more than Kes 2 million from this online job. While other Kenyans were complaining of tough economic times, personal i was enjoying my life thanks to Zumo News.

Jobs like Zumo News are really changing people’s lives especially this time of Corona Virus where most people have lost their jobs. I would recommend it to anybody looking to make an extra online whether you are jobless or working since it does not take much of your time. I bought my first car and currently saving to build my dream home. I work on Zumo News during my part-time and as a teacher during full-time since it does not take much of my time. As long as you have say 1 hours a day to work, then you will be guaranteed of Kes 10,000 every day or more.

If you wish to make some good money online ,then Register on Zumo News and get started.

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