“How I Earned Kes 5,000,000 to Buy a Car of My Dreams in Just Seven Months through working online,” 31 years old narrates her success journey.



Do you have enough money? Do you have everything you’ve been dreaming of? Are you happy with how your life is going? If the answer is ‘Yes’, then just don’t waste your time and close this page.

Those who answered ‘No’, go on reading. I’ll tell you how to quit your annoying full time job and start earning 40,000 KES or 50,000 KES a day in just 2 days, from the comfort of your home.

I succeeded in it, and if you want, you’ll be successful, too! It won’t hurt me if I share this secret with you, while it will help some of you to change your life for good and finally become financially free.

First, a couple of words about myself. My name is Ann Njoki. I’m 31, I live in Nairobi, and I’m just an ordinary girl from a family, which cannot by any means be called ‘well-off’. I was born to middle-aged parents. My Mum was a nurse at clinic, while my Dad was a dump truck driver.

When I was little, all I remember was that my parents made every effort to buy the cheapest food and clothes possible. If they were lucky enough, they would save up a bit for vacation.

Once I graduated from secondary school, I didn’t even think about going to university, as I needed to raise money for my parents (already retired) and myself.

So I found a job instead, worked as a sales assistant, with a monthly salary around 30,000 KES. It was 2014, and this was quite a good starting salary for Kenya.

I made enough money for living, but I had a dream, which was to buy a brand new Range rover. I knew it was extemely expensive and I’d have to save up for years. However, this was fine with me. After all, it was a dream, and you just can’t make your dream come true in a day or two. Well, this is what I thought at the time…

I was really depressed at my financial situation then, prices were starting to increase due to inflation and living in Kenya became more difficult. People were upset but I knew I had to carry on working…

However, 3 months more passed, and the shop I worked at turned bankrupt, so here I was, with no job or income sources at all, having to live on my parents’ retirement benefits.

These were actually joyless times. I was looking desperately for any possible job opportunity on the Internet, but after nearly two months, there were no results at all.

Another two weeks passed, and I was about to abandon all hope, when suddenly I came across a web page. This was a story about a guy who had earned 900,000 KES on the net, in front of his computer, without even leaving the house he lived in!

He said he was working online via on Zumo News.

I felt dizzy. Could it be the opportunity I’d been looking for, the one that comes up once in a lifetime ?

At first, I hardly understood anything, but I went on researching more info, websites, forums, blogs, and other sources on this topic, and, eventually, I became quite knowledgeable in it. I felt so happy that I even remember this now. It was so exciting to think I became an expert and could now start earning cash online…

Now, let’s put my story aside for a bit, as I also want you to know what I’m talking about. I’m going to tell you what is Zumo News , in a nutshell, so that you don’t have to research dozens of websites, just like I did. I’ll just save you a lot of time and effort.

Zumo News is a revolutionary way of earning money online, which is very straightforward, quick, and extremely lucrative.

Yes, I had to take out a 5,000,000 KES loan on the car, considering cars are incredibly expensive in Kenya, but with my earnings this was quite manageable. I was able to repay the loan shortly.

Look, here I am with my Range Rover. Right on the day I bought it.

Now, while typing this post, I’m just trying to remember it all over again… How did I make it? And the answer is quite simple: I just believed in myself! First, I found an opportunity, and then I believed I could make money just like that guy on the web page. And that’s it!

So, you need to believe you’ll be able to make it, too. This is very important, as you won’t achieve anything without it. Never ever! If you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll start thinking all the best moments in your life are already gone. And this will be the case, if you keep thinking that way…

If you are in despair and do not trust anything or anybody, you won’t be able to spot your life changing opportunity.

Try to look for such an opportunity everywhere, in every event that happens around you, in every person you meet, in every story you read on the net… Just everywhere! Always try to use these opportunities, they are totally yours! And then you’ll finally make it!!!

For some reason, I had always believed I will be be able to buy the car of my dreams. And I did buy it! I didn’t save up, just bought it, as I had enough money to pay it. I’ve got an income source that will never be exhausted; quite the reverse: it brings more and more money every single minute! And yes, I no longer have to report to any boss or work long hours without even a chance to sit down, as it was before.

I make more money in a single day than I used to make in a month. And I feel incredibly free!!!

Was that actually a miracle? Could be. But still, it happened , so it was real. I just read an article, believed in myself and made a decision. This is how I made it!

Oh well, enough memories for now, as I’m already going quite off-topic…

So what do you need to do to start earning money?

  • First, open an account by CLICKING HERE (you’ll need to enter your name, email address, phone number, password and tick to show your agreement; click Register). Then enter your phone number to pay Kes1300 one time registration fee the you are good to go and start making money.

If you wish to make some good money online,then Register on Zumo News and get started


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