500 million Shilings modern tea factory set for Mt.Elgon


The national government in partnership with the county government of Bungoma is set to put up a multi million tea factory in Mt.Elgon.

The factory that is set to cost approximately 500 million shillings will be hosted in the Kaberwa area.

Speaking during a reconnaissance visit in Kaberwa and Kopsiro areas, agriculture and livestock development Cabinet secretary Mithika Linturi said this will be factored in the coming supplementary budget.

Linturi said despite the fact the current government had found an almost empty treasurery the president was committed to ensuring that the factory is set up.

” I am here on the directive of the president and I want to assure you that we will ensure the construction of a modern tea factory is factored in the coming budget ,” said Linturi.

Linturi however directed the Kenya Tea development agency (KTDA) to immediately partner with the county government in ensuring that the farmers interested in the venture get tea seedlings in preparation for the Factory.

Bungoma governor Kenneth Lusaka committed that the county government will ensure availability of tea seedlings to the farmers .

” This is something I had started during my first tenure as governor so it will just be starting our vision where we left ” Said Lusaka.

The governor emphasized that the region had a conducive climate to grow tea calling on residents to take advantage of the same.

” God has blessed us with good weather we should take advantage of the goodwill we have with the current government by venturing in tea farming,” Said Lusaka .

The governor lamented that currently farmers were going at losses as they to transport their tea to the neighbouring TransNzoia county.

National assembly speaker Moses Wetang’ula said once the factory is set up it will have opened ways for more factories in the region.

“Let’s not argue about the exact location but instead let’s take this first initiative which will open ways for more of such in the region.

He further encouraged farmers across the county to adopt tea farming as it was not a preserve for Mt.Elgon residents….Ends

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