99 Years Old Class 7 Pupil Passes On


99 years old class Seven pupil from Nandi county is dead.

She was in standard 7 at leaders vision Academy, Ndalat until her untimely demise. S

Nandi Senator Kiprotich Cherargei has mourned the death of 97 years old Gogo priscilla sitienei.

Through his official Facebook page he wrote “Later in the afternoon commiserated with the family of the late Gogo priscilla sitienei 99 years old of Ndalat, Nandi county. She was in standard 7 at leaders vision Academy, Ndalat until her untimely demise. She was an embodiment of girl child Empowerment through education.
Mutyo missing. Blessed night,” he wrote.

Cherargei who was elected on a UDA party ticket is a big supporter of president William Samoei Ruto’s administration.

He his a big critique of the opposition leader Raila Odinga who was defeated in the just concluded August polls.

Kenyans used his post to send their message of condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

Governor Meteitei says “Heroness never.RIP We looked forward to her clocking 100years but God had plans.One of the smartest student to have ever lived.Poleni sana kwa msiba,mes condolences sincere ata famille tes proches et amis,”

Saimo Sokuton says “Mutyoo family ya gogo.,”

“To three family and friends of three deceased may the Almighty God give you strength during this hard time of mourning Mutyo missing,” says John Koech.

Kipkorir says “This bad loosing go-go and the way she was determined to go to school poleni to the family,”

Mary says “She was an icon and taught us thta no matter your age you can continue with your education what you need is KY determination rest in peace,’

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