RiftValley Artist to Roll Out Sensitization Program Against Violence and Unrests in Schools


Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) Rift Valley and North Rift Chapter have come up with a programme to sensitize students against Violence and unrest in schools which has been the order of the day.

Led by William Getumbe they said students need to be talked to and not be condemned.

“As artisubstanceRift valley, together with NACADA, Ministry of Education, media, and all stakeholders we have come up with a programme to sensitize students against violence in schools, drug, and subdtance abuse, early pregnancies since we have realized that condemning them is not a solution but making things even worst,” said the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) Rift Valley and North Rift Chapter chairman.

Getumbe reiterated that it’s sad that parents, teachers, and the country as a whole have ignored them by not talking to them on why they commit such heinous acts.

“Condemning them is not enough since they are our children, we have come together knowing that their problems are our problem and their cry is our cry, when schools are burnt the country is also burning,” he said.

He noted that children should know that we have accep[ted them the way they are.

“What we intend to do is to have events in school, concerts, talks shows, and programs meant to talk to students. We want a generation that can change the whole world.

He called on the Cabinet Secretary for Education George Magoha to ensure that schools have a working guiding and counseling department with an expert from the field of counseling.

“We urge the government through the Ministry of Education to ensure that there are qualified councilors in schools who would guide and counsel students to avoid such unrests,” Getumbe advised.

Since August this year, over 30 schools have been torched countrywide forcing the closure of schools.

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