What Ladies Should Do With Men With a lot of Libido and Zero Conscience-Benjamin Zulu

There are men who have a lot of libido and zero conscience and they’ll do anything to sleep with you. If you say you’ll sleep with him only after he ‘shows seriousness’ by visiting your people he’ll take that road trip to your home tomorrow morning.
He’s just obsessed with the idea of deflowering you and all the while he’s married with seven children. If your idea of a man being serious is him visiting your home you’re in for a rough ride. You’ll end up with ten men visiting your home until your parents call an exorcist for you. Today’s hyenas have lost all scruples for parents. They’re not led by reason or empathy or morals – only pure lust.
Your only safeguard is two fold: strictly preserve sex for marriage, and do subtle but thorough study of the person before you commit. In short, high self discipline and due diligence.
If, instead, you’re careless enough to sleep with people just because you’re in a relationship with them you’ll fall victim to these marauding hordes of wolves. A relationship is a low hanging fruit and they know they can just use you and move on when you find out they’re married. Even if they had visited your home so what? That’s nothing to them. It’s your shame not theirs. Better to date with no strings attached so that you can see things clearly. This is no time to lose your head.

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