ICT and Infrastructure Sector strongly support conferment of Eldoret City Status


ICT and Infrastructure sector including, Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), Kenya Civil Aviation Authority(KCAA), Kenya Rural Roads Authority(KeRRA), Kenya National Highways Authority (KENHA), Uasin Gishu ICT Association, Telkom Kenya, and Gilser Holdings Ltd, present strong views to support Eldoret Municipality elevation to City status in a stakeholders engagement session to ad-hoc committee.

KAA regional manager Mr. Walter Agong, in his presentation said that the idea of city status has come of age and as such, KAA are prepared to ensure that Eldoret International airport as a key player in the city in terms of movement of persons , cargo and services is sufficient.

Telkom Kenya enterprises Northrift Manager Mr. Moses Chumo, noted their contribution to city growth in easing communication and information sharing and requested that the Department of Physical Planning consider future access routes especially for cabling in homes and institutions without interrupting on already made infrastructure like roads.

KENHA representative
noted that Eldoret plays a big role as a business and logistical hub for the Northrift Region hence they were prepared to ensure road expansion is prioritized.

He expounded on key plans to jump start the readiness for city status including, construction of Eldoret Eastern by pass , dualling of Cheplaskei – Maili nne Road , Dualing of Airport-Eldoret Road and establishment of ring roads for Eldoret city.

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