Madam Esther Muchemi is a Powerful intercessor


A captain of the industry. A GCEO and on top of that a prayer warrior. Madam Esther Muchemi Group Chief Executive Officer of Samchi Group.
She on this Sunday shares with us about:

I hope I have intercessors on this wall, and if you are not one, why not become one?

Intercessors are people who stand in the gap, who make petition ,prayers, worship, on behalf of another person, a nation, communities e.g., business community, political class e.t.c, before God.

Intercessors plead their case without giving up, they do it until Heaven hears and responds in one way or the other.

Intercessors operate at very high stakes level.

Look at this-:

Abraham makes a case for Sodom and Gomorrah before God . To others, it was a gone case.
God had pronounced the judgement, but Abraham being an intercessor, pursued God to change His mind on this judgement.
Unfortunately the deal lacked support, the evil was too widespread, Lot was saved though.
Genesis 18:16-33

Look at the people locked in a room, praying for the release of Peter, just after they had lost James, the release happened! Could it be they lost James because intercessors slept on their job? Just thinking!
Acts 12:5

Look at Anne and Simon in the temple, praying until the birth of Jesus, and it happened!
Luke 2:25, 36-38

What about Esther, praying and risking her “queenship” for her people, the reversal order came out!
Esther 4:10-17

Jesus prayed for Peter when the devil planned to sift him and others like wheat.
@edith wairimu has done a beautiful song on this
Luke 22:31-32

Jesus is now our Chief intercessor, sitting at the right hand of the Father and by extension we are sitting there too.
Romans 8:34

The Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groans we can’t understand
Romans 8:26

Intercessors carry and push God’s agenda on earth based on the principle of love and sacrifice.

Our Nation to a large extent is where it is, because of intercessors.
Who knows?
It could have been worse.

Could it be, just could it be, our families, the businesses, our job place, our communities are suffering because there are no intercessors standing in the gap?

Could you rise up and be that intercessor, a person who when they see or hear a matter, picks it up before God instead of for example gossiping about it?!

Can God count on you, to be that man/ woman who stands in the gap for a nation, a business, a family etc.?
Allow yourself to be that vessel.

Madam CEO.

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