Jmembers of Environment Committee Take Part in Tree Planting Exercise of 320 Indigenous Tress in Karura Forest
Members of the National Assembly Committee on Environment, Forestry and Mining together with Kenya Forest Service (KFS) officials, today took part in a tree planting exercise that saw 320 indigenous trees planted in Karura Forest.
After the exercise, the Committee members who were led by the Vice-chairperson, Hon. Charles Kamuren (Baringo South), had a meeting with Mr. Alex Lemarkoko the Forests Chief Conservator.
The members wanted to know what KFS was doing to address its staff welfare citing cases of the Kenya Forest Rangers who live in dilapidated houses and even lack basic work gear like rain coats.
However, according to Mr. Lemarkoko, staff welfare boils down to resources. He told the members that the allocation they get is not adequate and they have to budget for it in areas of priority.
“It all boils down to resources. We had a budget but when we got our budgetary allocation, we had to prioritize areas of urgency. The allocation we got for197 stations is not enough. But we will ensure they get sleeping tents and other gear they require,” Mr. Lemarkoko said.
The members also asked the measures that the service had put in place to ensure seedlings planted in order to realize the National goal of 30 per cent tree cover growth to maturity.
According to Mr. Lemarkoko, in the first quarter of the 2023/2024 Financial Year, they had already raised 54.9 million seedlings. He further told the members technology is the only way to enhance seedling production.
“We have the potential to achieve 30 percent tree cover by 2032. We may not have it now at the beginning but by the second year we will be somewhere and in line. We have equally able partners that include the county governments, NGOs and NYS who have proved to be very helpful. They have the labor, the discipline and the land,” he told the members.