Geoffrey Mosiria Awarded the Most Understanding Leader Under Health Facilities Kenya


Six Stars Gala Awards 7th Edition held 30th December 2023 awarded Chief Officer Health Facilities Nairobi County Mr. Geoffrey Mosiria as the most performing leader under health.

The award was handed out by the Hon Member of Parliament Naivasha Constituency Jayne Kihara, and the CEO Six Stars Award Mr. Ramadhan Mario, who recognized how passionate Chief Officer Mosiria is and why nobody else deserved that award.

It has been over fifteen months since Nairobi governor Johnson Arthur Sakaja was sworn in as the duly elected new Nairobi City County boss. One of his main campaign pillars was health reforms in the city. In line with this, governor Sakaja appointed Chief Officer Geoffrey Mosiria to be in charge of health facilities an appointment has since been a blessing to the city of Nairobi and Nairobians. In fifteen months since his appointment, Mosiria has already established a good reputation for himself and for the county government.
Since Mosiria was appointed, he has been able to procure KEMSA and non KEMSA health commodities worth over 244 Million Kenya shillings for the county of Nairobi. Apart from the procurement, medical equipment has been redistributed equally across the 124 health facilities across Nairobi County.

At Mama Lucy Kibaki hospital, the establishment of the first ICU unit was a milestone. The unit which was opened is currently serving majority of Nairobians who don’t have to go to private hospitals anymore. A blood bank satellite unit was also established at Mama Lucy Kibaki hospital which has greatly aided storage and collection of blood for hospitals across the city. In addition, a renal unit was also established at the hospital and not forgetting opening the first Public Eye Hospital in Kenya.

At Mbagathi hospital, the dysfunctional incinerator has been repaired, maternity theatre renovated, sanitary facility rehabilitated as well as installation of laundry machines and a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit established(NICU) courtesy of Geoffrey Mosiria.

The busiest maternity hospital in the country, Pumwani Hospital has also seen it’s lifts been replaced. The City mortuary has had new coolers installed while the ambulances at the Emergency Operations Center has also been repaired and operationalized and in order to monitor the progress and evaluate the steps being implemented to improve the status of health in the city, Chief Officer Geoffrey Mosiria has made it his personal assignment to make impromptu visits to health facilities across the county.
In his speech, Mr. Geoffrey Mosiria explained why he is so dedicated to saving humanity stating that service to humans is service to God. He encouraged the youths to work hard as he is setting an example to them. Being one of the youngest Chief Officer in the Country, he stated that nobody can relate to what they go through like he does. He emphasized on the importance of saying NO to drugs, asking them to question what is the nutritional value of the drugs.

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