Press Statement by the Omogusii Community Residing in Nairobi


We the members of the Omogusii Community residing in Nairobi from the 17 constituencies have gathered here today to address issues and concerns that affect our community in the city.

We are deeply saddened that for months now, that the unity and agenda of the Omogusii in Nairobi has been hijacked by political brokers, conmen and masqueraders who are self-driven and mortgaging the noble agenda that characterizes our community in Nairobi.

The political cabal has even purported to create and own the community’s Spokesperson in Nairobi.

As bonafide political leaders in the city, we would like to state the following:

The supposed appointment of the current Nairobi City County Chief Officer in charge of Health, one Geoffrey Mosiria, as the Omogusii spokesperson is laughable. Who appointed him? Who does he represent? For what agenda? We wish to state that in Nairobi, Omogusii is organized through a County chairperson and that leadership cascades down to the 17 constituencies and all the wards. The perennial political brokers who recently moved from Kisii County recently after the last general elections led by one Stephen Nyarangi, who was the political advisor to the former Kisii governor, cannot destabilize the hard-fought unity of Omogusii in Nairobi.

If indeed, they wanted to catch the eye of the governor they should have gone as individuals and not use Omogusii as political pawns. Omogusii will appoint a political spokesperson in Nairobi when that need arises and at the right time. Until such a time, those glory-seekers should give us a break. Leadership comes from God. Leadership is earned.

Nairobi City County has had and has Abagusii senior public servants before Mosiaria. We have advocate Evans Ondieki and the late Eng. Peter Kimori before him.

They never had the misplaced zeal that Mosiria evokes. Let him keep his job as a Chief Officer. Nairobi currently has five Members of the County Assembly elected from the Omogusii community. You have not seen them, despite being politicians running to be named spokesperson and divide Omogusii.

Mosiria is just a public servant who was appointed by Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja to serve in his government. His work entails serving the governor who is appointing authority as per the County Governments Act.

His purporting to rally Omogusii together towards a certain political inclination is farfetched, misplaced and abuse of the law that does not allow public servants from engaging in politics. If he indeed thinks he can rally Omogusii in Nairobi and champion a political cause of his master then he should resign and venture into politics.

His political overtures have seen him organize events in churches, further dividing the flock. He is misusing the places of worship for political wild goose chasing. His hands are full.

Nairobi City County has a myriad of problems especially in the Health sector stretching from poor services, lack of medical suppliers and medicines in the majority of facilities across the city.

He has been moving around, taking advantage of any photo opportunity to hoodwink Nairobians that all looks rosy in the sector – Haiwork
We would like also to call upon Kisii County Senator Richard Onyonka as a senior leader from the community to stop meddling in the affairs of Omogusii in Nairobi.

He needs to show leadership as the senior most leader from Kisii. We remind Senator Onyonka to oversight Kisii County, which has bigger problems than Nairobi where he is not the senator. He should address those issues in Kisii before purporting to unite Omogusii in Nairobi. Nairobi has a proficient senator and who is his boss and Party Secretary General Hon. Edwin Sifuna.

We would like also let our people know that Omogusii has always benefitted solely under the leadership of Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga and the ODM party. We therefore, call upon our people to remain focused and wait for the ongoing membership recruitment drive in Nairobi starting with Embakasi South.
Thank You and God Bless You.
Senator Beatrice Kwamboka

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