National Assembly Committee to Confer with Education Ministry Over School Opening Postponement


Moiben MP Prof. Phylis Bartoo

The National Assembly Committee on Education has taken decisive action in response to concerns surrounding the recent postponement of school opening dates for the second term. Led by Hon. Julius Melly of Tinderet, the Committee has scheduled a meeting with Education Cabinet Secretary Hon. Ezekiel Machogu and officials from the Ministry of Education on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024.

The decision to convene this meeting follows widespread confusion and dissatisfaction stemming from the Ministry’s last-minute announcement regarding the delay in school resumption. Members of the Committee voiced their apprehension over the lack of timely communication, citing its adverse effects on parents and school-going children alike, amidst the ongoing flooding crisis.

During the forthcoming meeting, the Committee intends to address these concerns directly with the Education Ministry, seeking clarification on the reasons behind the abrupt change in school dates and advocating for better communication strategies in the future to avoid similar instances of confusion.

Furthermore, the Committee will engage with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) regarding the legal status of Junior Secondary School teachers. This discussion arises in light of a recent court order prohibiting TSC from recruiting and employing student teachers and interns. The Committee emphasizes the constitutional and statutory obligation of TSC to exclusively employ duly qualified and registered teachers, and seeks clarity on how this mandate will be upheld amidst the current legal constraints.

The meeting represents a critical opportunity for stakeholders to collaboratively address pressing issues within the education sector, ensuring accountability, transparency, and effective policy implementation for the benefit of students, teachers, and communities nationwide. The Committee remains committed to fostering constructive dialogue and facilitating resolutions that uphold the integrity and quality of education in Kenya.

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