School principals in Mogotio sub-county advocate for the retention of the School Meals Program


A section of School principals from Mogotio sub-county in Baringo has urged the government to reconsider the decision of scraping off the School Meals Program (SMP) from the budget estimates for this Financial Year

Speaking in Mogotio constituency after receiving relief food Child Welfare Society of Kenya

Vera Ong’utiprogrmes Manager in partnership with office of Mogotio area MP, they said it is a blind move to scrap feeding program and therefore it will be a big blow to many students who have been depending on relief food especially from ASAL areas such as Baringo and North Eastern region.

Enock Yator Deputy-Principal Majimoto secondary said the scholl feeding programme will help more students to attend school.

“We are calling upon the government to reconsider removing the scholl feeding progam since most students will drop out of school.As I am talking there are some students who cannot even afford a single meal per and the only food they depend on is thee school feeding programme,” added Caroline Keter-Principal Molo Sirwe Secondary.

“School feeding program is the only programs that keeps students in class removing it will be a total mess,” said David Bett-Mugurin sec school.

However leaders from the region welcomed the move by CWSK ,saying that it will be a relief to most students who have been missing school due to lack of food which have resulted into rampant cases of early pregnancy and forced marriages in the region.

More than 5000 student from mixed day school have benefited from the programme.

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