Eldoret National Polytechnic New Students urged to Embrace Discipline and Academic Focus


By Baraka Simba

Eldoret, June 27, 2024 – The Eldoret National Polytechnic welcomed its newest cohort of students from the January and May intakes of 2024 with an orientation program emphasizing the importance of discipline and academic commitment.

Madam Peris Ngala, the Head of Guidance and Counseling at Eldoret National Polytechnic, addressed the gathering of freshmen, stressing the significance of adhering to the institution’s rules and regulations. She underscored the need for students to familiarize themselves with the academic policies to ensure a smooth academic journey.

“Our aim is to help you integrate into the culture of our institution and achieve your academic goals successfully,” said Peris Ngala.

Deputy Principal Academics, Mr. James Mwangi, echoed similar sentiments, urging the students to prioritize their studies and adopt positive behaviors. He emphasized the consequences of misconduct, particularly cheating during examinations, which could lead to severe penalties including expulsion.

“Your discipline and dedication to your studies will determine your success here. We expect every student to uphold the integrity of our academic standards,” emphasized Mr. Mwangi.

Mourene Mulwa, a psychology student and attendee of the event, shared her perspective on the importance of academic diligence. She encouraged her fellow students to make the most of their time at the institution by attending classes regularly and engaging actively in their studies.

“Skipping classes or exams only hinders your own progress. Let’s commit ourselves to academic excellence and contribute positively to our learning community,” urged Mourene Mulwa.

The induction ceremony marks the beginning of a transformative journey for the new students at Eldoret National Polytechnic. The institution aims to provide robust support to ensure students achieve their academic potential while upholding the institution’s standards of excellence.

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