Empowering Women: Moiben MP’s Initiative Transforms Lives Through Economic Empowerment


In a transformative initiative aimed at fostering sustainable livelihoods and empowering women in Moiben Constituency, Moiben Member of Parliament Prof. Phylis Bartoo has spearheaded the “Mama na Ajira Program” under the Kenya Kwanza bottom-up economy model.

This program has yielded remarkable results, particularly with the Starlight Women Group in Toloita and Kimogoch Women of Change Group in Moiben Ward.

Formerly engaged in illegal alcohol brewing, these women have turned a new leaf thanks to the support provided by Prof. Phylis Bartoo. Through the provision of tents and assorted items to boost their daily activities, coupled with intensive training sessions, the women embraced a new direction. They united to form a chama, emphasizing solidarity and mutual economic upliftment.

The Starlight Women Group and Kimogoch Women of Change Group stand as shining examples of success within Moiben Constituency. They boast a commendable savings record and have emerged as top performers among women’s groups in the region, demonstrating the tangible impact of sustainable economic initiatives.

The achievements were celebrated at a recent gathering attended by Moiben Deputy County Commissioner Solomon Kitae, Moiben Ward MCA Hon Mzalendo, and other esteemed dignitaries. Their presence underscored the significance of community collaboration and governmental support in driving positive change at the grassroots level.

Speaking at the event, Moiben MP Prof. Phylis Bartoo expressed her pride in the women’s accomplishments, highlighting the transformative power of empowering local communities through tailored economic initiatives.

She reiterated her commitment to continue supporting similar endeavors that enhance livelihoods and promote sustainable development across Moiben Constituency.

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