Millie Odhiambo Urges Central Kenya Leaders to Refrain from Exploiting Raila Odinga’s Name for Personal Gain


Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo has called on leaders from Central Kenya to stop leveraging Raila Odinga’s name for their own political agendas.** Speaking at a recent event, Odhiambo emphasized the need for political accountability and urged leaders to prioritize the interests of Kenyans over personal ambitions.

Odhiambo’s remarks come amid rising tensions within the political landscape, where she issued a stark warning: any attacks on Raila Odinga, the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), would face serious consequences. This statement underscores the loyalty of ODM members, who view Odinga not just as a political figure but as a symbol of their struggles and aspirations.

“We don’t want to hear issues of debate on kinds of woes which are not ours,” she declared, reinforcing the importance of focusing on the key issues affecting the populace.

She further challenged various political factions to uphold their manifestos, stressing that accountability and dedication to the electorate should be their guiding principles. Odhiambo’s comments reflect a growing frustration within the opposition regarding distractions from critical national concerns.

As discussions of potential impeachment heat up, Odhiambo insisted that any such proceedings must adhere strictly to constitutional guidelines. She called for focused legislative work, assuring that ODM remains committed to upholding democratic institutions in the face of political pressures.

“The manifesto of each political divine must be delivered if Kenya Kwanza is confirming that our votes were stolen,” she stated, calling for a reorganization of priorities among political leaders.

Recently appointed as Minority Whip, Odhiambo’s new position enhances her influence within Parliament, allowing her to advocate more effectively for ODM’s interests. Her leadership role strengthens the party’s presence amid the current turbulent political climate.

Odhiambo’s passionate appeal for unity and focus among political leaders highlights ODM’s commitment to its core ideals and prioritizing service to the Kenyan people above personal interests. Her advocacy serves as a reminder that effective governance requires a dedication to service delivery rather than political maneuvering.

By Dennis Esitika

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