A Fully Equipped Blood Bank to be set up in Elgeyo Marakwet County


A fully equipped blood bank soon be set up in Elgeyo Marakwet County.

According to Governor Wesly Rotich the equipment will be delivered in two months time.

“I held talks with Dr. Nduku Kilonzo, the Acting Chief Executive Officer,Kenya Tissue and Transplant Authority at her Nairobi office. Dr. Nduku agreed on my request to have the authority set up a fully equipped blood bank at Iten County and Referral Hospital (ICRH),” he said.

The equipment will be delivered in two months’ time.

“Once operational, blood transfusion services in our hospitals will be enhanced. We will also be able to carry out massive blood donation campaigns as it’s storage will have been eased.Currently we rely on Eldoret Centre for analysis,” he added.

At the same time, Kenya Commercial Bank, in partnership with other players will sponsor an international Marathon in our County.

This follows my earlier engagement with KCB Group CEO Mr.Paul Russo. The marathon will focus on sports youth development which will go along way to realise untapped talent. The race will also focus on climate change advocacy.

“I also extended my gratitude to the bank for sponsoring students from humble backgrounds in our county.My mission to seek partners to work with us is just beginning,” he said.

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