All is Not Well at Kanga School in Migori


By Peter Oduor

A section of parents want the Ethics and Anti corruption commission to move with speed and address the runaway breach of government guidelines, largely attributed to abuse of acclamation, as a way of endorsing issues.

Kanga National school in Migori county chief principal Reuben Kodiango has thrown reason to the wind and is in business, subjecting parents to unnecessary financial demands purporting it is the parents who have nodded in agreement to the calls to fleece them.

Cases of bright but needy students who cannot afford to transition to Form One without appealing for help from well-wishers and the public was made worse this year by the principal who turned Form One admissions into a money-minting opportunity.

This is after he looked the other way as the government warned against charging above the stipulated school fees and going further to impose additional levies. Parents admitting learners to Kanga school were confronted by additional charges nicely packaged as money for projects approved by the ministry.

Despite the clarion call by the Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Mochogu that parents be allowed to purchase school items from their preferred supplies, Kanga school went ahead and indicated in the admission letters that some of the items will be purchased from a supplier who will be in school. The items were expensive compared to retail prices in supermarkets and other retail outlets, yet the supplier was expected to take advantage of economies of scale and dispose of them at wholesale prices.

Collins Ouma,a parent told reporters that authorised officers should not sit and wait for parents to complain over what they could have prevented in the first place. They should not sing and dance to the tunes of acclamation and turn a blind eye to cases of the principal deviating from their call to duty and embracing a culture of being record keepers of the illegal levies.

“The idea of teachers waiting for parents with an exercise book to record those who have paid for motivation fees and remedial classes fees is an absurdity. They are hired to teach and not to collect money”he said.

He further added that the usually reluctant approval of the illegal levies, which is usually orchestrated by a handful of predetermined parents at Kanga school and pushed down the throat of the rest of the population, is a con mission that the relevant state departments cannot pretend to be unaware of.

Contacted for comment,the principal could not pick calls or reply messages.

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