All Set For Madaraka Day Celebrations in Uasin Gishu


Chief Officer for Devolution and Public Administration, Mark Some, chaired a multi-agency security team to plan for Thursday’s Madaraka Day celebrations.

Some emphasized the significance of unity among all stakeholders in making the day a success. The celebrations will be held in Ainabtich, in Moiben Sub-County.

Chief Officer Some said: “We must work hand in hand to ensure every aspect of this event showcases our collective strength, let us unite our efforts and make this year’s Madaraka Day celebration truly exceptional,” said Some.

He further noted that the team should instill a sense of purpose and determination to exceed expectations of the day.

Notably, this year’s celebration will feature extraordinary presentations from, among others, the reformed street families who are at the Eldoret Rescue Centre.

“These inspiring individuals will take the stage, sharing their compelling stories of resilience and triumph, inspiring others with their journey towards rehabilitation and reintegration into society,” said Some.

Sub-County Police Commander Stephen Okal reiterated the necessity for seamless teamwork between the National and County Police forces to guarantee a safe and colorful celebration that marks Kenya’s day of attaining independence.

“We must synchronize our efforts and seamlessly collaborate to uphold the highest standards of security,” Commander Okal emphasized, reminding everyone of their collective responsibility to ensure a peaceful and enjoyable event.

The meeting concluded and set the stage for the grand occasion that will commemorate the milestones in Uasin Gishu County and Kenya’s history.

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