An open letter to The Deputy President, National vchair-UDA, Mombasa County leadership, and UDA members


As UDA loyalists in Mombasa County, we pride ourselves in the tremendous growth our party has experienced in this region under the stellar guidance of our _“Political Maradona”_ Gvn ’27 *Hassan Omar Hassan* who has single-handily played a vital role in every one of us, treated us like family and made some of us directors from humble beginnings.

Some of those who started this journey with HoH may have faltered along the way because entitlement clouded their reasoning. They lacked respect and overstepped boundaries and territories.

Familiarity often leads to contempt and makes us forget the appropriate way to interact with our mentors, thus becoming presumptuous with them. Respecting your mentor isn’t “SIMPING”

We humbly ask D.P. not to get carried away by feelings of “Entitlement”
* Let him desist from politics based on tribe or ethnic groups as such politics are salt to the wounds of the 2007 skirmishes.
It is a failure of imagination to embrace such kind of politics as the number 2 in command.
*His politics should be about uniting Kenyans as a nation and NOT people from one region.*

We applaud D.P.’s fight against alcohol, having lost all his brothers to alcoholism. Let him now lead the fight against Mogoka since this pervasive consumption of the stimulative drug is raging havoc on our next generation. This will be a more commendable move by the self-declared truthful man than retreating to the mountain to incite a particular clan.

Mr. D. P. The debate of 1 man 1 shilling 1 vote should be centered on how it will benefit Kenyans as a whole and NOT an aliénation of one particular clan.

Elvis Omurwa

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