Apostle Munyori: Let’s Preach True Gospel


A major revolution is in the offing the Church of nowadays after a vocal, renowned, outspoken, and forthright Apostle Munyori Muhuri, the firebrand, came up with an earthshaking thought.

Apostle Munyori is suggesting that all churches ought to be closed. If not, there should be no offerings and tithes otherwise, they be given to the less fortunate. Speaking during the launch of his book entitled “Beyond Dogma” on Friday at a Nairobi Hotel, Apostle Munyori noted that all has not been going well especially when it comes to the issue of the Men of Cloth and their style of carrying out their priesthood duties. Setting the record straight, Apostle Munyori noted:

“We must soberly approach the Gospel: let us shun pretense and self-enriching and instead focus on preaching a practical gospel, far from the narrative of nowadays which has majorly been the so-called “priority gospel.” On the issue of the offering and tithes, most Bishops have been misappropriating it with self-edification. Most of them are living posh lives whilst their congregants continue to lavish in abject poverty. We must apply the Word as clearly spelt out in the Bible: the tithe and offering, once collected, must not leave the church and it must be shared amongst these four categories of people: the priest, the widow, the orphan, and the stranger. Anyone else purporting to handle, allocate or utilize the tithe/offering is likely to attract God’s wrath.

“We have copied all manners from the West including the very unpalatable ones. Take for example the ‘hot potato’ that is being pushed down our throats – and this is the issue of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Communities (LGBTQ).

“I condemn it because it’s not biblical, it’s not in our African culture and it will end procreation leaving the world without habitats. It is also the greatest sign of defiance to God practiced by those opposing the existence of their maker.”

. Let us embrace our indigenous and native roots – our forefathers were God-fearing, they had immense respect and reverence for their God. Why don’t we honor that and try to retrace our footsteps?” he questioned.

He is further opining that the ten percent can be used to build affordable houses in the church compounds, thus complementing the Government’s agenda where it’s now anchored in law that all Kenyans should be levied 1.5% of their salary to go to affordable housing.

“Africans need to redefine theology else we believe in the Western culture instead of having faith in God. Citing the native roots of some churches like Anglican from England, Roman Catholic from Rome, and Lutheran from Germany, Apostle Munyori said that the African continent needs to come with its church.

“We all need to drop the English names we took from the West and retain our ancestors’ names. Otherwise, we follow the curses of those we are named after, those who angered God by dividing Africa

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