Benjamin Zulu Warns Against Office Romances: “It Will End in Regret”


Relationship coach Benjamin Zulu has issued a strong caution to individuals who engage in intimate relationships with their bosses, warning that such actions often lead to dire consequences rather than the anticipated benefits.

In his latest address, Zulu emphasized that those who engage in workplace romances with the expectation of career advancement or favoritism are likely to face an unexpected fallout. “If you sleep with your bosses thinking they’ll favour you, get ready to be fired instead. You now represent a dirty secret that they need to get out of sight,” he explained.

Zulu outlined three potential outcomes for those who become romantically entangled with their superiors. The first is outright dismissal, as the boss may see them as a threat to their reputation or career. The second possibility is being treated with cold hostility, where the boss distances themselves to avoid any personal entanglements. “They may turn extremely cold or hostile towards you, trying to remove you from their life as much as possible,” he warned.

The third scenario, according to Zulu, is even more demeaning: being kept as a “sexual spare wheel,” where the individual is expected to be available at the boss’s whim without asking questions or setting boundaries. “You’re still an embodiment of their weakness, and they know you can ruin their life with exposure,” Zulu stated.

Citing the Biblical story of Amnon and Tamar, Zulu stressed that relationships built on lust lead to hatred and disdain, advising individuals to avoid becoming “the object of people’s lust.” He compared the situation to Joseph’s response to Potiphar’s wife, encouraging those in similar predicaments to refuse advances politely and remove themselves from the situation with integrity.

“You may be thrown under the bus for refusing to sleep with them,” Zulu acknowledged. “But your integrity will win in the long run. At the very least, you’ll have escaped with your dignity intact and your conscience at peace.”

Zulu’s message serves as a stark reminder that professional boundaries are crucial, and short-term gains from inappropriate relationships are likely to result in long-term regrets.

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