Thousands of Kenyans on Friday thronged the historical Bomas of Kenya for the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) National Governing Council meeting.
The meeting that drew delegates from all over the country was presided over by President Dr William Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua.

Bomas of Kenya is currently under the wise and able leadership of the Chief Executive Officer Peter Gitaa.

Since Mr. Gitaa took the mantle of leadership, Bomas of Kenya is now on another level offering a plethora of culture, Serenity, pristine conference venue where delegates have first class, unmatched service and unforgettable experience Bomas of Kenya can host almost any function you can dream of from 20 to 3000 guests ranging from street parties, end year functions, award ceremonies, theme ideas and more.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, President Dr William Ruto with Bomas of Kenya CEO Peter Gitaa.

Bomas offers clients a diverse range of services that add value and management of their event, activities and experiences. Bomas provides a unique insight to the Kenyan cultural experience.

“Our professional team is experienced in working with a wide variety of multinational clients, premium groups, government representatives, social guests, etc. All our events are custom tailored and planned to meet clients’ specific requirements. Our extensive expertise and flexibility enables us to ensure professionally delivered, quality products and services. Here is to the next generation,” the CEO Mr. Peter Gitaa notes.

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