Bungoma County CEC Members sworn in called upon to serve diligently


The Bungoma County Executive Committee Members (CECMs) appointed by the area governor Ken Lusaka have finally been sworn in.

The CECMs took the oath of office on Friday at the County headquarters.

The first one to take the oath of office was Mr. Benedict Emachar who was appointed to head the public administration and management docket.

The swearing in follows the approval by the county assembly.

Also sworn in included Monicah Fedha Agriculture, livestock, fisheries, irrigation and cooperatives, Mr. Douglas Sasita who is the CECM for lands, urban planning, housing and municipalities.

Others in included Dr Andrew Wamalwa for Health and Sanitation, Ms. Nancy Kibaba for Gender, youths, culture and sports, Mr. Bonventure Chengek of roads, Infrastructure, transport and public works.

Ms. Carolyne Khalayi of energy, trade and industrialization was also sworn in alongside David Wanyonyi of Education and Vocational Training and Mr. Enock Kibunguchy who takes up the role of the Environment, natural resources, water and energy CEC.

Governor Ken Lusaka called on his CECMs to work diligently for area residents without descrimination.

Speaking at the County headquarters, Lusaka called on his cabinet to get down to work with immediate effect and serve the public.

“As your Governor, the people of Bungoma have given me the singular honor of leading the war against Poverty, Hunger, Sickness and illiteracy among many other challenges that afflict
them,” he said.

He added, “After searching and consulting extensively, it was quite clear
that this County has a rich and extensive pool of talented men and women, We are spoilt for choice when it comes to identifying those that deserve to and can no doubt serve in the cabinet that will help me run the affairs of my Administration,”.

He called on those sworn in to adhere to the constitution and other laws of the land.

“So for the incoming CECMs, you must realize that you are not here by right, but as a rare honor and privilege bestowed on you by the People of Bungoma County,”. He said.

He lauded the Members of the County Assembly, for discharging their constitutional mandate to subject this team to a rigorous vetting process in an efficient and expeditious manner, and for finding them fit to serve.

“It is yet another clear demonstration of how the House and my administration can work together in harmony for the
benefit of the people of our great County, ” said Lusaka.

He stated that the expectations of the Residents of Bungoma County are high and demand efficient and effective services.

“We must deliver on our promise to provide them with Good Roads, Quality Healthcare, Clean Water, Good Education and the other commitments we made through our social contract as
contained in my Manifesto,” he said.

He went on, “I have previously stated, and wish to reiterate, that as you receive your Appointment Letter today, I expect you to similarly sign and hand me an undated resignation letter,”.

Lusaka noted that he will not hesitate to invoke disciplinary measures should they fail to live up to the high standards and expectations.

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