The County Government of Busia and the international donor community started a two-day meeting in Busia today to take stock of Joint Devolution Programme in the County.

Addressing the Press at Hotel Breeze on Tuesday, Busia Governor, H.E Sospeter Ojaamong said the conference between his government, donors and UN agencies is meant to audit on donor support since the advent of devolution in 2013.

” The Donors including Italy, Finland and Sweden, and UN Agencies including UNDP, Unicef and UN Women have done a commendable job in supporting many projects in 14 counties including Busia.

The Governor said the meeting is crucial in consolidating gains and deepening devolution in Kenya Project (Joint Devolution Programme), inherent challenges and interventions.

“Although my Government has made strides in improving revenue collection in the county through cashless system of revenue collection, we still need to put more efforts, thus the need for donor support.”

The County Chief said construction of trailer parks in Busia and Malaba Border towns are on-going noting that their completion will improve own source revenue in the county.

Unicef Representative to Kenya Jean Lokenga said the objective of the Donor Mission to the country is to take stock of what the donor community including Italy, Finland and Sweden have done in the county since the advent of devolution.

“The programs the Joint Mission has done for Busia and 13 other counties in the country include performance and monitoring and evaluation systems gender and poverty prevalence among children, ” he said, adding that this has helped services especially in the social sector.

The Unicef representative regretted that women, youth and children carry the burden of poverty not only in Busia but in other counties, and lauded H.E Ojaamong for his government’s efforts to improve the status of the three groups.

Busia Deputy Governor, H.E Moses Mulomi thanked Unicef for the immense support to the county including the fight against Coronavirus pandemic and flood menace in Bunyala.

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