Busia Governor Warns Against Divisive Politics


Busia Governor, Dr Paul Nyongesa Otuoma, has warned leaders against sowing seeds of discord amongst communities living in Busia.

He urged the political class to instead concentrate on preaching peace and tranquility in the county.
He spoke at Kakapel location in Teso North subcounty when he attended the annual Iteso Cultural Festival, which is marked every 26th day of December.

Dr Otuoma urged the Members of County Assembly (MCA) to desist from divisive and premature politics and instead concentrate on working for people who elected them.

“You cannot be elected today and the following day you hit the campaign trail again. This is what is pulling us back on development, and it is immoral”.

He observed that everything, including children’s education and agriculture had stalled due to endless politicking’.
He told off leaders who claimed the county government was sidelining the Teso region in terms of development.

“MCAs just passed the supplementary budget the other day on Friday. And that’s our first main budget of my government. So which is this other budget upon which some people are claiming we have developed other parts of the county and by-passed Teso?” he paused.

He urged leaders present to stop misleading the public for political expediency. Instead, he advised them to work for the people who elected them to office.

On his part, the Deputy Governor urged the Governor to crack the whip on people he referred to as ”cartels” insisting he was a performer and was not ready to fail .

The Iteso Cultural Leader Paul Sande Emolot, who graced the event, called on all leaders to forge a united front for the sake of unity and development.

Also present was Teso North MP Oku Kaunya, Busia County Assembly Speaker, Hon. Fredrick Odilo, Principal Administrative Secretary in the Office of the President Arthur Osiya and Tororo South MP from the neighbouring Uganda, Fredrick Ang’ ura

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