Busia Women Rep Catherine Omanyo Criticizes Delays in Sports Academy Construction


Busia Women Representative Catherine Omanyo has expressed grave concern over the ongoing delays in the construction of crucial sports academies in the region. These academies, she emphasized, are pivotal not only for engaging the youth but also for creating much-needed employment opportunities.

In a recent statement, Omanyo highlighted that the persistent absences of the Sports Principal Secretary from committee meetings have significantly impeded the committee’s efforts to monitor the progress of these essential projects. “It is deeply troubling that the Principal Secretary has consistently failed to attend meetings, obstructing our ability to obtain critical updates and answers regarding these projects,” said Omanyo.

Omanyo argued that the inability of the Principal Secretary to manage his responsibilities effectively calls into question his suitability for the role. “If the Principal Secretary cannot fulfill his duties and ensure the timely completion of these projects, he must consider stepping down. Our youth deserve better than this level of negligence,” she asserted.

The delay in these sports academy projects not only hinders the development of local talent but also affects the broader community by stalling job creation and economic growth. Omanyo urged the responsible authorities to address these issues promptly and ensure that the projects are completed without further delays.

The call for accountability underscores the growing frustration over the management of public resources and the urgent need for effective oversight to support community development.

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