Cabinet Moves to Dissolve Regional Authorities, ASALs PS Kello Informs Senate Trade Committee


In a significant development, the Cabinet has resolved to dissolve the regional authorities across Kenya, as revealed by the Permanent Secretary for Arid, Semi-Arid Lands and Regional Development, Mr. Harsama Kello, during a session with the Senate Standing Committee on Trade, Industrialization, and Tourism today.

Mr. Kello’s announcement comes on the heels of President William Ruto’s recent decision to abolish 47 state corporations as part of a broader government initiative aimed at reducing public expenditure and addressing calls for fiscal responsibility.

Addressing the committee, Mr. Kello explained that the regional authorities were initially established to address the needs of marginalized areas and promote equitable resource distribution. However, the PS outlined that the decision to eliminate these authorities stemmed from the realization that their functions were increasingly overlapping with those of county governments, thereby rendering them economically unsustainable.

“The Cabinet’s resolution to dissolve the regional authorities was made after careful consideration of their roles and the current administrative landscape. Their functions are redundant given the existing responsibilities of county governments,” Mr. Kello stated.

He further informed the committee that a transition committee has been established to oversee the winding down of the regional authorities, which is set to be completed by June 2025. This committee, chaired by a representative from the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee (IGRTC), includes a member from the Council of Governors to ensure that county governments are integrated into the transition process.

In response to concerns raised by Senators, Mr. Kello assured the committee that the assets and staff of the regional authorities will be carefully managed during the transition. “We are considering transferring the assets and staff to the counties to ensure that the expertise and infrastructure developed by the regional authorities will continue to serve the people through the county governments,” he explained.

Senator Lenku Seki of Kajiado questioned the specifics of asset transfer, while Uasin Gishu Senator Jackson Mandago suggested that these resources be allocated to county governments for the management of industrial parks and value addition programs established by the regional authorities.

The committee also urged the Ministry of East African Community, ASALs, and Regional Development to involve the public in the decision-making process before the final dissolution of the regional authorities, emphasizing the need for public participation in significant administrative changes.

The Permanent Secretary was before the committee to respond to a statement request by Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina regarding the operational challenges facing the Ewaso Ngiro Tannery and Leather Factory in Narok County.

As Kenya navigates these administrative reforms, the future role of county governments and the management of regional resources remain pivotal topics of discussion for both lawmakers and the public.

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